This is the time. With a long time love of photo's and quilting I have spent a considerable amount of time combining the two and playing with different techniques. Last summer at a mini class I attended they demonstrated 12"x12" wall hangings combining quilting and scrapbooking techniques. WOW!! They were so darn cute. I just couldn't get them out of my mind. With that and my participating in an alphabet fabric post card swap I have decided to join the two together and create a
Quilted Family Alphabet Scrapbook.
Hopefully this will blog motivate you to get involved in this adventure too. I plan to explore different fabrics, textures, fibers, techniques and colors. Why don't you join me. Think of your own likes and dislikes and find a subject that "speaks" to you. It doesn't have to be an alphabet theme, just think about what you love. Cross stitching, sewing, gardening, cooking, you can journal anything you can dream of. If you are not that comfortable at a sewing machine, the traditional paper scrapbooking might be your better choice. No matter what you choose, when it is done, you will be the proud owner of something that came from your heart and chronicaled your passions and life. What better memory to have.
I am off to the store to stock up on "Peltex". This will give my quilted album pages the stiffness that I am going to want. I have gone back and forth on the fusible or naked types, and have decided for myself, naked is best. I will just add my fusible when my embellishing is complete. Again we all have our own preferances, there are many choices for us to chose from.
Here are some of the very basic particulars that I will be using.
* Pages will be 12"x12" each, but I am going to allow 1 1/2" extra on the left side, to later be joined together to make the book format I am looking for. So I will be cutting my peltex 12"x13 1/2".
* I have considered a variety of ways to join my pages together, and not sure I have come up with the perfect answer yet, but for now, I am going to be attaching 3 grommets to each page spaced like any normal notebook paper would be.
* Since for me this is an alphabet book, my search is on, for fabrics in the A-Z theme. I will also be going over my many photographs to find ones that will work with the theme of the page. For now, it is a collection process. Oh yeah, yet another pile of things for a project. :-) The story of my sewing room! Use what works for you. I am a big fan personally of zip lock bags. I can use one for each letter in the alphabet and store the photos, fabrics, and embellishments that might
work for each, in them.
*So meet me here in a week or so, and we will take the plunge.
Happy shopping and collecting!