I have just finished up some post cards for our service men and women. Victoria a member of the Fun Friendly Yahoo group has a son in Iraq who is working at a hospital there. She has put out a call for our help in making cards for the soldiers who are recuperating. What a wonderful thing to do! Fun Friendly is a fabric postcard swapping group. It is a ton of fun. I have made many good friends there. If your interested in the group, we would love to have you. And if you are interested in helping Victoria with her endeavor, please contact her. Below is the letter she put out to us.
My son is stationed in Iraq for the next 4 months. He is
volunteering to work at the base hospital on his one day off after
working 12 hour shifts. This is his second tour and he volunteered
at the hospital the first time around also. It would mean so much
to the soldiers recuperating in the hospital to hear a little
something from home. I was trying to figure out some way that I
could help the soldiers overseas. And then I thought , why not send
postcards to cheer them up, give a little hope, ease their fears and
let them know that they are not forgotten. So that is why I am
starting Operation Postcards From Home. I have received Joy's go
ahead with this project. I am asking for everyone's help to make
this successful. Please read below for the full details of my plans
for this project. Reach into your hearts and touch a soldier's
heart with your kindness by sending a Postcard From Home. I thank
each and everyone for your help with this project.
1. Make postcards any style and as many as you choose to make(no
postage or envelopes would be needed for these)
2. Address the card to Dear Soldier:
3. Please put FunFriendly someplace on the card.
4. Add words of encouragement, hope, praise, thanks, get well soon,
uplifting thoughts, anything positive.
5. Add your return address if you desire, cards can be distributed
without return addresses, if you wish to remain anonymous
6. Send all cards to me(in a manilla envelope, padded envelope,
7. As I do not have individual names of soldiers, I will mail all
postcards to my son, who in turn will distribute the cards to as
many soldiers as possible in the hospital.
8. I will be collecting cards from February 1st through April
15th. If I can get a contact at the hospital, I may be able to
extend these dates.
If anyone has any questions, please email me at
Please use Postcards from Home in the subject line of all emails.
Victoria, my envelope will be on it's way to you tomorrow. I hope any of you reading this, find it in your heart to help Victoria out. It's a small thing that I am hoping has a big impact on some soldier who needs a pick me up!
I love those, Joan- and I know the recipients will too! I have mine finished now too, just need to fill them out and mail them.
ReplyDeleteThanks again so much for yesterday, I had a great time!