I have been busy finishing up projects. This is another one of those that I took a class on this summer. I was able to use up some 2 1/2" strips of batiks I have swapped for a few years also. This little treasure "State of Grace" was really fun and fast to put together. It is from Cosy Quilt Designs "Strip Clubbing" book. Ya family, when I told you I was going to the Strip Club you all wondered, didn't ya!
:-) :-)
It's a great little quilt that would be so much fun to get together with a bunch of friends and swap out 2 1/2" strips to make.
My latest project is to catch up with my block of the month Quilt Show quilt. I have faithfully downloaded each month, but never done more than the center block. It's only the end of September right? Well, I am happy to say that have been slaving away on it, and am just about caught up. In another few hours I will be able to proudly say that I am done up thru September. Oh no, October is just days away. This quilt is a "project" to say the least, but I am going to be thrilled with it, when it's done. It is a beautiful quilt with loads of 1" blocks all half square triangles of course. I can say this is the most intense quilt I have ever taken on, but the directions are great, and other than lots of time into it, there is really nothing hard about completing it. Stay tuned for my posting's on this treasure!
Oh, Joan! How stunning!