Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Carolina Christmas

My black Friday shopping found me buying yet more fabrics, but at least this time I had a purpose for them!  :-)  These were my choices for Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Christmas mystery quilt. I have even managed to squeeze in time to keep up with the directions when she posts them. I see this moring step 3 is up. We have to cut 592  2 1/2" squares! Yikes, that will keep me busy.
Maybe I need to put off cleaning up the storage room for another day!  It's my yearly holiday project. Not sure just why the holidays seem to be the time that I decide to do all this, maybe the thought of getting thru the mess to get to the Christmas decorations is it. What ever it is, Goodwill is always the recipient of a car load of things when it's over and I am happier that there is again some order for a month or so!  Now the question of the day... Why doesn't it stay organized? That's the million dollar question with no answer around here it seems!  Wish me luck, I am going in!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your fabric choices say "Merry Christmas" and fun, fun, fun! This should be a great quilt! (Did you come out of the storage room yet?)



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