Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Irish Wish for you

Hope your day holds visions of projects dancing  in your head! Oh wait, that's sugar plums and another holiday isn't it??? Regardless  wishing you inspiration and time to complete those things you dream. If you can add a glass or two of green beer, what could be better. Here are a couple of little projects I have done myself for the special day. To the left is a little Irish wall hanging using wonderful images of antique post cards.  Below is a table runner that I mailed off for our St Patty's swap with  the Quilted Table group. The candle is one of those things I dreamed up one day. I embroider a design onto a heavy tear away then attached it to the candle with a spray adhesive. I am pretty sure it really isn't all that safe to burn, but it sure makes for a fun decoration.

1 comment:

  1. These are so cool! Happy (belated) St. Patrick's Day to you!



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