Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snow Dye Sampler

I found a great way to use some of my favorite "Snow Dye" fabrics. In wanting to make up a quick little gift for my friend in Alaska, I was able to combine the fabric with some fun appliqués and photo transfer to come up with this little wall hanging, as a memory of last summers play time in Homer. What you can't see, is the look on my son's face as he patiently awaited (or not so patiently) for his idiot mother and her friends to stop embarrassing him with the outhouse photos. Ahhhh, the joys of motherhood when you finally become an embarrassment for your children. Such a treat for the shoe to be on the other foot for a change!!!!  Oh yeah focus here. Back to the topic.

The color runs in the fabric made for some great play time with free motion quilting too. I can hardly wait to do a little more playing with these fabrics, as this little project has opened my mind to a million ideas. As I sit here in Alaska and watch the snow fall, I am so very sorry I didn't ship up my fabric dyeing supplies as I considered. They have lots of fresh new snow that would be perfect for fabric dyeing. Oh well next time I guess! Happy Stitching!


  1. This is great, Joan! LOVE the fabric you dyed- and love it as the background for these hilarious outhouse photos. Got a good chuckle out of the story as well- thanks for a great start to the week!

  2. I knew this fabric would look fabulous in a quilt -- you did a super job!



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