Saturday, April 24, 2010

All the Better to See You

Well, I finished up another one of those PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) that have been lying around forever. I had such a good time thread painting on him, that it makes we wonder just why I let it sit in a bag for so long????? Now I am wanting to start yet another new project, but I have promised myself, I would not do that until I get some of these others done. :-(   :-(   Hate it when I have to discipline myself!
I do have a couple of quilts that need to be done for some friends, my ,mini-swap quilt, and I need to finish up my projects from the classes I took at MQX, then I will be back on the road with my half done projects again. So I guess there really isn't time for anything new is there?  :-)
You will see that my blog has changed a bit again, thanks to some great advice from a blogging friend. Thank you so much Diane for sharing your web designers tips on what works best for viewing web pages. I hope that all will find this much easier to read. The white letters on the black background did make your eyes roll, now that I think about it!  :-)  It is so wonderful to have such a great network of blogging friends to learn from. Bloggers really do bring out the very best in people. We share our trials and tribulations in everything we do, to make life easier, as well as inspiring each other along the way! While we can all have issues with technology from time to time, it has been such a driving force in bringing so many of us together, that I can't imagine where we would be without it. If I haven't told you before, thanks for being there. Every blog I have read has enriched my life in one way or another.     


  1. You disciplined yourself well, Joan -- great job!


  2. Love the thread-painted wolf! gorgeous

  3. Your wolf is gorgeous. Congratulations on yet another lovely piece of art :)

  4. Thank you for joining me on my blog and will "folow"you if you dont mind...what a great blog it is here and those creations you make are fabulous!!The wolf is so real!!! beautiful made!!Maybe you like to take a look if you got the time at my other blog too...thats more about my other hobbys like patchworking etc.
    Have a nice week...greetings from the Netherlands...Francien.

  5. Love that wolf -- it looks like it was a fun project. It's always such a feeling of satisfaction to finish one of those old projects, isn't it?


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