Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Already??

Where on earth did 2010 go. I am sure the calender is incorrect. It has to be, I have not managed to get much of anything done on my PIGS list. The year just can't be over already!!!!  Is there anyone else in the same situation? Gheesh, I need to get my rear in gear. Maybe this year!  :-)

Hope you all had a great new year and are ready for 2011. I hope to make this year the year I get "on" my UFO's. If this mess is any sign of things to come, I have a long way to go. Actually this is not my sewing room, it's the family room next to it. It has long been a source of irritation to me, so I took matters into my own hands and tore it all out. That extra pickup from the trash man (before hubby got home) made for some tense moments here, but all will be well!  :-) It was long over due and now there is no choice right?  :-)
This is actually what my sewing area looks like right now. You can barely see my long arm under the piles of stuff. I have access to my sewing machine, but with no power to the lights as of now, things are difficult. Sewing while holding a flash light just isn't very productive!! So with luck I will be able to get underway in the next few weeks again.

In the mean time, I wanted to share with you the joy that all the boxer shorts brought to the family. Some were horrified, others thought they were a riot.
 It was great fun, all in all.


  1. Thanks for showing the results of your "boxer rebellion" (I know, the phrase doesn't quite fit, but it sounds so perfect!) Bet it was a time to did you get your camera safely away with those pictures!

  2. I enjoyed seeing the pictures. Thanks

    I have a question for you, if you don't mind.

    How can I drag your button to my blog site?

    All the hunters here go moose or deer hunting in the fall. It's the only time we see guns in our area. I love you moose.
    Take care. Betty

  3. The boxers are GREAT!!! I am thinking maybe I should make some next year too, it might help break the ice around here a little... lol

    And I just love the art quilt you got from your son, what a great gift!


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