Monday, January 10, 2011

Miss my sewing room

I, oh so miss being able to be down in my studio stitching away. So I have to do the next best thing. Dream!

I picked up this magazine the other day and was instantly enchanted with it. I have to admit, it is not very often that I find a magazine, that I love everything in. This was a very special find, I though to myself. I drove home immediately and started dreaming of the time I could actually get some of these beauties done.  Then while cleaning up some of my magazines that had started to pile up, what do I find but yet another copy of the same magazine. Apparently I really do like it!!! I am so sad. I do this kind of thing to myself frequently. Anyone have a good idea on how to keep track and not buy what you have already?? Anything short of a brain transplant that is!! :-)  :-)
At least I was able to pass it along to a friend, she hadn't bought it yet! We both seem to have the same disorder, and end up sharing frequently! That's just another reason to have that special quilting buddy.





So there they are. Is that not just the greatest assortment of scrap quilts you have seen? You better get out and get our copy before they are gone. Pick one up for your favorite quilting buddy while your at it too.

If anyone can help me out with combining photos, I would love it. I have searched blogger help, and can't seem to find how to do that. Many of you have some great photos on your blogs, I know it has to be able to be done????? Help me!  :-)


  1. Well, there are only so many quilty magazines on the stand. Wish there were like TONS more... but.. you could put the names of them on an index card in your purse and then across the top put J, F, M, A.. for Jan, Feb, Mar..
    When you purchase a magazine.. put a check in the appropriate column.. Now.. keep the index card in your purse!! Take the magazine home.. LOL.. you can pull out the index card at the store, and say.. oop I already have that one, but that gives me permission to buy.. this other one that I don't have :).. and put a check in that box. And run to the checkout!

  2. I think you make a combination of pictures in another editing program and then save it and then upload it to Blogger and Blogger will treat it like one picture. Does that help?

  3. My only suggestion for keeping track of mags is to have a subscription to them. Not easy as there are so many and I do prefer to look through them sometimes first before I decide to buy. But then a sub is often half the shelf price so maybe it evens out???? And then where do you store them?
    As to the photo question ........ ??? No tech skills here!!!! Good luck and share the answer when you find out.

  4. I use picasa 3. It is a free program, and it has a feature to make a collage. I've combined photos and on one of my blogs I made a collage of a bunch of my quilts. It isn't too hard if you fiddle around with it.

  5. I have to get this magazine for myself. Are all these quilts that you pictured in this magazine? Oh, I have to have it!

  6. I, too, use picasa. It is a free photo editing program from google. You can find it on the google page if you go to the top left and click "more", then click "even more" and it's the fourth one down on the right hand side. To combine photos, just use the "collage" feature in picasa. It's pretty easy. Have fun!

  7. Sorry. Obviously I did not notice the date on this post. I'm sure that you figured this out already. Sometimes I just do NOT pay attention...

    There is a reason I named my blog Muddling Through!


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