I have a fun little project to share with you. I, like many of you, have made and loved those wonderful monthly themed projects. There is nothing better than having a new "quilty" every month to decorate with. So lets step it up a bit, and make something that is not only decorative, but functional and can be used daily. How about a new set of clothes every month, for it???
Sound interesting?????
Here you have it.
Ceramic tile trivets!
A plain old "cheap" ceramic tile, in a Velcro closed pocket. Did I mention cheap? How does, about 50 cents sound to you? Yep, that's the cost for these 6" tiles. A few scraps and some velcro and you have all you need.
A 5" quilt block bordered with a 1 1/2" border strip, will make it large enough to fit the tile nicely. Those leftover pieces of quilt batting are perfect for this project,too. I have batted the front and the back, although it really isn't necessary for the back.
So let's get started:
For Valentines day, I have chosen an applique heart motif. My favorite method, is fusible applique, but if you are a needle turned kind of girl, go for it. There are no rules. :-)

I am going to start with a 5" square for the front background. Since I want my heart to pop a little, I have chosen to place a secondary 3 1/2" background square behind my heart. We can all cut out hearts, so let your scissors do the walking and cut something that speaks to you!
Once I am all fused into place, I am going to attach my 1 1/2" border strips.

Now I am going to measure the block, which is 7" square and cut 3 more pieces of fabric, and 2 pieces of batting with that measurement. We are also going to cut a 3 1/2" x 7" piece for the flap.
You will note that my lining is a different fabric.
Fold the flap strip in half, so it measures 1 3/4" x 7" and stitch ends. I have marked 1/4" and 1/2" in from each end with chalk. Stitch from the folded edge up, at an angle. It is a little difficult to see the sample, so I have added a drawing to help with this step. Turn right side out and press.

Stack your batting, front fabric (right side up), flap, and lining fabric (right side down) with the top edges even. Stitch, flip your lining over and press.
You can do some random quilting if you like at this point. I have decided that I need a few more hearts on mine. We now have the opportunity to stitch a 6" LOOP piece of Velcro to the back side of the flap towards the folded edge. Please note if you have chosen a fusible applique method, you need to seal the edges with some kind of sealer like Fray Check or Fray block to protect from fraying with repeated washings.
Now stack your 2 remaining 7" pieces of fabric, right sides together, on top to the last piece of batting and stitch across the top flipping and pressing like the front. Stitch a 6" piece of HOOK Velcro to the back, about 1/4" from the top edge.
Lay the back piece over the front piece, right sides together and stitch down the 2 sides and across the bottom. Trim your bottom corners and turn right side out. Your ready to dress your tile!

Could it really be any easier? Best yet, when it gets dirty, it comes off and goes right into the washer and dryer.
Now changing these out, for the seasons, months, or holidays will be a snap. What do you think? Better start stitchin and planning for Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, spring, summer, fall,... Whew, so many ideas! You can follow me, over at
MooseStashQuilting for a year of new tile clothes. I will have at least 1 new "tuxedo" posted by the 5th of each month! I hope you see you there, because we are going to have some fun! Now head on out, to your favorite home improvement store, and pick up a tile or two! I wonder how a 12" trivet would be??? What a great size for one those larger pans, and a terrific way to use those orphan quilt blocks. I am off to my Home Depot and as I remember they have some great deals on orphan tiles too! See you soon.
Happy Stitchin!