Sunday, February 13, 2011


There is nothing like the feeling of success when you are able to make up a very quick little project with what you have on hand. I consider them freebie projects, something I have managed to use leftovers for. A week ago Sherri over at This and That shared this fast and easy little cutie. It took me longer to figure out where I had stashed my ric-rack, than it did, to stitch it up. Now there is something wrong with this picture isn't there?  I clean up my sewing room, then I can't find a thing!   :-(  

I added a little purple piping on top of my ric-rack. What do you do with that last 3" strip of something? Why cut it into 1" strips and make piping. Verging on insanity you say!  Probably, but it sure made a fun edge.

It's not too late to make up one of these for yourselves. Go visit Sherri and get the pattern for yourself.

Happy almost Valentines day!



  1. Thanks! I just might make this today. Very cute.

  2. Could you please send some of your creative energy my way? I love the way you put these little gems together so quickly.


  3. Just lovely.
    Hope you were spoilt for Valentine's Day!
    Guess which button I am using?


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!