Friday, February 18, 2011

Trivets-Another great finish

It is a banner week for me this week. Yet another great finish from a blogger who took the challenge. This one comes from Danielle over at 
I just love the old fashioned Valentines center on this beauty. Does it just remind you of all those great Valentines we used to exchange in school? You know the ones you spent hours making the perfect shoe box to contain. My boys have been out of school for so long now that I don't even know if kids these days do that sort of thing anymore. Gheez, did that make me sound old!  :-)

Anyway Danielle, I was thrilled to get this photo, and hope you will follow along the rest of the year for new clothes for your tile!  Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

On that note, if you are working on the tile project with me, please send photos. I would love to post them and show off your work!


  1. Sew cute. Wouldn't a set of these, one for each holiday, be a good gift?

  2. I'm loving your trivets! I went to Lowe's with my husband today and got so involved with what he was buying I forgot to get the tiles I went after. :( Maybe tomorrow I too can have a trivet. blessings, marlene


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