Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I need your opinion!  I finished up a convergence quilt, finally. I loved the colors but when I went to class I realized that with the directional fabric I chose, there would be little I could do with converging it. So it turned out kind of boring, I think.

            So here is the plain quilt! 

And a closeup of the corner so you can
see what is going on with the print below

When I was quilting it, I remembered the driftwood I hauled home from one of my Alaska trips and decided to add this to the quilt for some interest. I am pretty committed on that front, but then I found some buttons that I made from polymer clay. Now I am a beginner in the very best sense of that word, in working with clay, so they are pretty primitive, should we say? Crappy might be another term I would loosely use. :-)  Anyway I started playing with them on the quilt too and am just not sure what to do.


Please let me know how you "all" feel. I am not going to stitch down anything until you decide for me!  Nothing like being put on the spot huh?  Leave me a comment and give me some feedback. I would love to check this one off my completed list!! Nothing like a little pressure huh????   LOL!!

Don't you just love the stick? Ok, I know it's just a stick, but it did come from Homer Alaska. It was driftwood! I plan to drill a couple of holes and get something cool to attach it with. Any ideas? Gheeze, can I possibly ask anymore of you all...


  1. I'm going to assume here that this quilt will be used as a wall hanging - therefore, I say embellish, embellish, embellish! As for the drift wood my idea would be to use some leather lacing to 'secure' it to the quilt. I think you're finished product will have a rustic look to it and as it will symbolize Alaska, what could be better. JMO!

  2. I tend to agree with the previous comment. Like her I assume this will be a wallhanging, so yes definitely embellish, make it a real Alaska momento! Creatively placed embellishments could give this little quilt a great look! Revisit your inner child and see what you come up with, placing things (small Alaskan objects) in different positions until you are happy with the result!
    Best not to hurry this process, let it percolate for a while!!!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!