Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Turtle

You have to admit that this is the cutest thing you've seen lately don't you??  My friend JoAnn brought him to me. His tummy is made out of terry cloth, so those spills on your floor can be cleaned up easily. Then he drops right in the washer. I love the little card that came with him too. Just one thing, he is so darn cute, that I don't want him to get dirty!  Now that just defeats the purpose, I know, but like I said, he's just so darn cute!!!!


  1. Priceless! I don't think I'd want to step on his back, either!


  2. He's about the cutest thing ever! I wonder where she found that pattern or if she made him up. blessings, marlene

  3. What a novel idea!!!, but I don't think I would want to get him dirty LOL!!!

  4. What a great gift idea for mothers day,birthdays or Christmas, where did you get the pattern from I would love to make one of these?
    take care Nicole

  5. He IS cute! I'd have a hard time using him though. Great poem too.


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