No, I really am not missing in action. But I have been busy stitching. Sure do wish I could show you, but one, is a project that will be unveiled (ohhhhh, sounds so regal ) at the Bloggers Quilt Festival that Amy over at
Amy'sCreativeSide hosts next month. If you haven't done or seen the Bloggers Quilt Festival, it is a must. So go check it out and get your project ready.
The other is a July 4th project that was actually on my PIGS list and great fully marked as DONE!! Yippee. So you just have to wait to see them, but I have "really" been busy working away.
I went on a little quilting retreat a couple of weeks back, with a friend and went to a quilt show in Pueblo Colorado. It is a small show, but a great one. We rented a suite at the Cambria Suites and sewed our little hearts out. For the second year, their guild had a wonderful display along with it. The quilts were awesome and so inspiring. I just have to share some of the ones that spoke to me.
These colors just pop. Is that fun or what!
This is so sweet!

I am a huge bear paw fan, so this one made me swoon. Is it not just the greatest??
Not a fan of snakes by any means, in fact I am terrified of the slithery things, but this quilt is so darn cute!
Ahhh nothing soothes the soul like a great batik piece!
With purple being one of my favorites, this one really spoke to me.

Another of one those great batiks! And the motion you see with this quilt design is so cool!!

I loved this little table topper, how unique is this?

Hexagons have really been on my radar lately. Not sure if I have the time to put into them, but I sure do love them. The combination of applique with them on this quilt is so pretty!
Amish Quilts get my attention every time. This one is just beautiful.
A batik magic... Brings chills to me!
Dresden plates are so fast and fun to put together. I love the quilty theme fabric she used too!

This is definitely on my to-do list. I've long loved the look of a quilt that is not just square. Or I will until I have to bind it that is!! :-)

Scrappy quilts!! I love love love them.
So I hope you are as inspired by these as I am. I sure do wish I lived closer to Pueblo. I would love to be a part of their guild.
Oh by the way, I don't have photos to share, but there was a quilt, that was at the quilt show, not the guild show, that someone made. It was a photo quilt of their colonoscopy! Need I say more??? My friend wouldn't let me take photos of it, darn her. I don't know why I listen to her some times. Sure do wish I could have shared that photo!!!!