Friday, April 8, 2011

Bunny Tales

Just one more Easter trivet cover. This one is for a 12" tile and you can find the pattern over at Quilters Cache. If your not familiar with their web site, it is the best place ever to find patterns for quilt blocks. They have loads of them and it's all free. Click HERE for the pattern for this little cutie. I made my basic block a little larger so I had plenty of play. It was a good thing, as there was a lot more bulk than what I have had with past blocks, and I ended up needing it. I might add that I did not piece mine as the pattern shows but I stitched it to a base of my batting/backing and a muslin top.I just did the old stitch and press over method. It seemed easier than stitching with such small strips of fabric alone. If you cut your basic block 14" you will be just fine. You can always trim down what you don't need.

I found that the back was a perfect place to practice my free motion quilting. I have been stuck in a box, as of lately. I get comfortable with one style and seem to default to that all the time. This was a great way to try out something new, practice and play. The size is really nice for allowing you to finish in a sitting too, which always makes me happy.

I found a stray piece of hand dyed fabric that seemed to just fit the project. You have to love those kind of moments!


  1. That is so cute. I was looking for something to make for Easter. Thanks for the link.

  2. Hi Joan. Love this Easter trivet. Great colours, too. I like using Quilter's Cache, too. Great place to go for inspiration or just to enjoy. Hoping to get a few Easter bits and pieces done in the next week. With a busy month behind me I am looking forward to a bit of sewing time.

  3. Love your trivet ideas! I just made my first 6 inch and now have to go buy a 12 inch tile. Thanks so much!


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