Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June Trivet

June is a busy month. Kids getting out of school, planning summer vacations, yard work, gardening, etc,etc,etc.  We need a fast project for this month with everything we have to do.

It doesn't get my faster than this one. You only need a couple of fabrics, and 2,  3-7/8" squares of each to complete this block. Cut them each on the diagonal and piece them back together. Easy as that.

With our yards greening up, I choose green for my background color and added a this adorable lady bug, who's pattern can be found, free online at They have loads of designs that can easily be adapted to applique. Be sure to check them out. will take you right to the lady bug I used.

 If you look real close I  played with my tensions and managed to get the green bobbin thread to peak thru on the top. I love the look and have had some great fun playing with tension. I remember "oh so well" the days I kringed at touching them, but really fun things happen when you learn to not be scared!  :-)

This would make a great hostess gift for a summer BBQ. Imagine it combined with a kitchen towel with the little bug on it too. And some place mats, what a great outdoor set up. What do you think? Got a few minutes to play???? 

Something this fast and easy will allow you all the time you need for other projects this month. Be sure you post your completed trivets on our Flickr page. There is a link for it on the right side bar of my blog. Looking forward to seeing your projects!

PS: for all of you who are not on the seasons, we in the States are, like my friends in Australia, think next year!  :-)  :-)


  1. Now I get it. It's a surfboard cover!! Ha ha!

  2. what a cute trivet! so cute and easy - thanks!

  3. I like it! I haven't sewed anything for over a month now! Sigh... hopefully soon!


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