Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No Sewin

After my marathon week working on the upholstery last week, I took some time away from my sewing room. This week instead, I have been collecting up my photos and putting information into my new quilting program. 

For those who have not seen this program, I have to tell you, it's about as great as they come. Besides being very easy to use, I now have a place to track all my quilts and tell a bit of their stories. In the process, I found that I had lost some photos when my computer crashed a year ago. Thankfully I found some of them on backup disks. I was able to piece together many of the swap quilts and tell a bit about each one who sent them to me, too.
Besides the ability to collect all the info, you can print out pages, note cards, business cards and even return address labels. Now is that fun or what??  :-) It's a virtual library, and I love it.  For  $29.95 you can download a copy for yourself over at QuiltAlbum.com   Do yourself a favor and get your copy today. The information you save will be "your" heritage some day! Don't let it get away.

In the mean time, I found some quilts in the far reaches of the storage I guess, that I haven't shared with you. You know I can't let that happen!! LOL... So I blew off the dust and here you go

It's called Mountain States from the Travelin' America in Applique book by Ursula Michael
Pretty cool huh, and best yet, I have all that info stored in my Quilt Album program. Now you knew I was going to throw that in didn't you?  
As of now I have 179 quilts logged into my new program. Can you imagine if I only would finish those PIGS (projects in grocery sacks)...  I could almost break a world record then!!!  :-) :-)
Maybe next week!! LOL

1 comment:

  1. This is impressive. I do like the idea of keeping photos and information about my quilts. Definitely not as many as you, though! Worth considering.
    Turning your basement upside down has been worth it if you found a few long lost items. How many more to finish now?
    I need to follow up also with some comment problems that have happened again. You have left a comment on my site, but when I try to reply it bounces back to me - again. I am going check some of my settings but just thought I should let you know in case it was happening with others.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!