Sunday, June 26, 2011


Not only a finish of a PIG (project in grocery sack), but timely too. With the 4th of July coming up real soon, there was no better time to get this done than now!

This is one, from my favorite Peeping Cats patterns at Angie Padilla's, that I adapted to make a patriotic theme. If you have followed my blog, you have surely seen them done in many of different styles and seasons. That's the beauty of this great pattern.

Another one of the great things I have to share, is my new light. I recently was introduced to Ecolux LED Lighting for my sewing machine. What can I say, but WOW!  This is the greatest thing I have ever bought. It makes the lighting on my Bernina spectacular. Go check this out over at the Cotton Club. You will be happy you did.



  1. What a cute runner, love the pigs theme. That light looks like it would be awesome!

  2. Ficou muito fofo os porquinhos escondidos.Adorei.Um abraço.


  3. Great to see another finish! And a PIG especially. It is best to keep those secret until finished. Love the idea of the July 4th theme, too. It looks great.
    Now the light intrigues me. I have heard that the LEDs are a very nice light so good to hear your opinion.
    I haven't asked for a while but is there an update on the basement?

  4. I'm always looking for more light - does this one clip to the machine? blessings, marlene

  5. and oh my just crack me up..peek a boo


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