Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

My favorite time of the year. You know, when I can fly on my broom, and no one seems to notice!

                                            Just the way I like it!

Speaking of like, don't you love these photo layouts? 
I did it with "My Memories" software.
It's a great way to share your albums. All "blinged" up the way you like em! 
Even if it's batty bling, like mine! :-)

It's not too late to get in on the give-a-way. "My Memories", is generously giving one lucky reader,
a copy of "My Memories Suite" digital scrapbooking software.  Thursday morning I will be announcing the winner.
So if you want to win, you've got to comment.
Not on this post, but the one dated Oct 26th.
Click HERE and it will take you right to the post.
Be sure to tell me what your favorite design packs are!

                                             Now meet Mr. Skeleton!

 Is he too cute or what?  I used glow in the dark fabric for the bones, which makes it so fun when the lights go out. (note: the little Boo box was a free Facebook download from My Memories last week!)

You can find this free Skeleton pattern on the Babylock web site.

                                                       Click HERE

 And be sure to take a look around at all the freebies they have
to offer. There are some quality projects there.
Did I mention free? For Pete's sake, you can't beat that price in todays market!

So have a great Halloween, whip of a skeleton of your own,
and scare the bejeebers out of your Trick or Treaters tonight!!


PS:  Just kidding about the Bejeeber thing!!
My bad!


  1. I reckon you are going to have more fun tonight than the kids!!
    Hide the candy!!!!!

  2. Gosh! Looks like fun at your place, think I'll pop by! Chuckle!

    BOO-T-ful Halloween wishes
    TTFN ~
    Hugs & love,


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