Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alexander Henry Love Affair

                                    You know I promised,
                                           and here it is
The secret to my relationship with that witty and wonderful Alexander Henry!  You all might think the "Can't Believe it's Not Butter Man", is the hottest guy around, but I beg to disagree. For me it's Alex, oh dear Alex!!  :-) 

I brag all the time about Alexander and his delightfully fun designs. After all, who else can come up with half naked construction guys, we all love, or those Northwoods Bombshells scantily clad, and in the same breath come up with those crazy Ghastlies?? 

While I wanted to be disappointed, that there wasn't some hunky "better than butter" like man doing the designing, I  learned that it's actually a collective team, Marc, Phillip and Nicole de Leon. We know they are truly gifted artists, but how DO they come up with those delightful ideas??

I of course can't seem to stop myself from doing something completely outrageous with them.
There are just so many fun things  you can do!

Heavy Equipment...

makes a great wonky log cabin quilt. What better than the hunk on it?

Or this shirtless guys can easily be added to a bathtub, and make a very special towel set for that someone special!!  :-)

Then there are those Great Outdoors Girls.  One of my boys favorites.  They have pillow cases made from them. Nothing like sleeping with those bombshells. But wait, boxers shorts came along, and I was making them for not only my boys but their friends! Do most moms have photos of the kids friends in under ware???  
Now if you make boxers for a guy, it's a rule that you make them for his wife too!  Which lead to this...
And yes wife is pregnant with twins, but with those hunky "Twin Peaks" boys on,  (not the goofballs standing with her) she was sure smiling! Or does she just think we are a bunch of idiots?????

It was all fun and games until youngest decided to make ME a commemorative memory quilt of the under ware rebellion for Christmas. He has never sewn and had never used my machine, which is not nearly as bad as living down this image...

Oh yeah, the great outdoors guy making a quilt. Something his friends will ha-rang him about, for years to come!  :-)

But you gotta admit, it is pretty good for a newbie quilter!
And it proudly hangs in my sewing cave.


The boxer rebellion was just getting started."All I Want for Christmas" Boys! Now that was a great gag gift at Christmas, for a friend of mine. If you stitch down the fly, it's perfect for us gals!

                                                                                                           Can you say hubba hubba??? These "Look of Love" boys have some potential. My coveted yard of it is still in my stash, awaiting for that stroke of genius project to do justice to it!

"Ready for Action" boys. My friend made a tote bag for a fire fighters wife from this. It was quite the rage in his department, I am sure!

"Wheels on Fire" was perfect for a memory quilt of my son restoring his race car. With "Phil's Drive In" as the backing.

Muscle Cars, made for a perfect  focus fabric for a BQ quilt for that racing son of mine. Yes, he is the one who did not want any quilts from me. He was kind of sick of seeing quilts everywhere, until of course he saw his new one with matching dust ruffle and pillows.

These girls have made for a Halloween that has never been the same for some guys. Boxers of course! What else  :-)
Astro Girls Pinups!
Safely tucked away in my fabulous fabric finds. I just may never use them but I do love to take them out and look at them.  Plot against my next victim, of some outrageous project!!  :-)

You all remember the tribute to the UPS Man. I never got any of that.  So sad :-(

So Alex, as you see, you have brought great joy to our household.
Now I do ask, what delicious things do you see in our future?
I am waiting!!

Love you! 


  1. This was like reading a kid's picture book only for grown-ups! Fun entry, enjoyable reading! Thank You for sharing

  2. The fabric is only so much fun on the bolt. What you did with it is tremendous and a hoot and a half.

  3. No wonder your family worries about what you are up to when you head to the basement!! They figure you must have a truck load of men hiding down there getting up to who knows what.
    And maybe you do.
    And maybe they are!

  4. You echo my sentiments exactly. I never used to pay attention to lines of fabric before AH. Then I started scouting for the gold label. I was so pleased when I made a top with the Frida Kahlo fabric. I either didn't have enough or it was getting too busy. I rummaged through my stash and found a yard of an Asian print AH that had the same exact color way. It worked ten times better mixing the two. His fabric is Fun.

  5. Toooo funny!
    Just last week I had to stop at the JoAnn's near my work to get some more "All I Want For Christmas" for my friend. She needed some more for Christmas gift pillowcases. I think they only had a couple of yards left. The gal at the cutting table said one of the other employees wanted to buy the whole bolt to wrap her Chrstmas gifts with!! LOL

    Thanks for sharing your 'affair' with all of us!


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