Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sew in Update

Sew Saturday, I spent the day in my sewing room, because of the snow. That  left us looking like this...

I can't show you what I did, but nothing in the rules say I can't let you peek!

Sunday, snow or not, I took my friend to the Broadway play Lion King. It was fabulous and one of those neither sleet or rain moments, was going to keep us away!  It was COLD though!  At least we thought...

I wake up this morning, to this!!!

I am going back down to my sewing dungeon and hope the thermometer was just kidding!

Can't wait to share what I have been doing for my part of the "Occupy" movement!


  1. Looks like a pair of shoes in the one corner ... love the colors.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~

    PS Don't forget our GIVEAWAY

  2. Can't wait to see the finished product -- what a great way to spend a snow day1


  3. is it to soon to hope for spring? LOL I know it is nice to have weaather that you would rather sew in, but my body does not liek this cold either! However we have not gotten that cold yet (here in IL) I am not looking forward to winter! Can't wait to see the rest of your sneak peak!!

  4. Oh,dear! Or Oh Deer! That does look cold!


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