Friday, January 13, 2012

Bloggin' Buddies

If I have said it once, I have said it a million times!  There is nothing better than blogging buddies.

Karen over at Sunburnt Quilts send me this wonderful Christmas package.
I know you remember those ribbon trees I made. This was my inspiration. Karen has her own pattern out now!! Is it just not the cutest thing you have ever seen!
It's never too early to start on next years projects :-)

Karen, I just love the pattern, and those wonderful oriental fabrics, the ornament that was perfect for our tree, but let me tell you about those darn cookies!!  I have never eaten anything as fabulous as those cookies. I should be ashamed of myself, as I ate them all. Didn't offer to share with a single soul!  BUT, I am not!!  :-)   It's worth a trip to Australia just for them!!!   Thank you-thank you! Words are hardly enough...

Then just the other day, I got another package in the mail from England this time.
Last month when the Quilting Gallery had their blog hop, I won a couple of adorable embroidery patterns from Leslie over at Sew Happy Me.
Leslie, I can't thank you enough. I am looking forward to getting started on these little cuties!

So as you see this, blogging world gives us friends from all over the globe. Can there really be anything better than that!  :-)

I haven't been posting like normal. While I enjoyed having so much time off work from Sept thru the beginning of December, I made up for it, during the holidays. The airport was crazy busy with people. Then there were the holiday dinners. I had 32 for Christmas!  YIKES, there were people everywhere.  My fellow bloggers inspired me to set up a kids fantasy table this year.

It was perfect for all the desserts and goodies. I had treat bags so they could fill them and take home their loot!  While I thought it was a fun thing for the kids, I never dreamed that the adults would have such a great time with it. I believe I saw one of them beat off a kid for the gummy bears!!!  Ahhhh, the holidays bring out the best in all of us don't they!    :-)  :-)  :-)
Those mice that are so darn cute, came from the Martha Stewart web site.
A new holiday tradition has been born in my house needless to say!

I haven't seen my sewing room accept to replace a zipper in a jacket for hubby.
  :-(     But with the holidays over, and my house back to normal,  I hope to find some time here very soon!


  1. oh, the holidays! We will all get back into a regular routine soon! I hope! LOL

  2. What a wonderful gift - and those patterns are GREAT! Love your table - but 32! Wow and I thought I had a lot of people at 20! But it's just so much fun, isn't it!

  3. Karen is lovely isn't she, I got almost the same package as you and OH YES those biscuits.... ....I managed to eat more than my hubby (ssshh don't tell him). Love you snowmen patterns. Linda x

  4. So now I have learnt my lesson - just send food? That seems to work best!! Still can't work out why your manufacturers haven't copied these.
    Love the idea of the kid's table at Christmas. That's great! We seem to be in those in between years where we have loads of adults and teenagers, but no little children. That is in the process of changing so I will have to be patient.
    Now I have noticed some lovely quilts hanging up behind the kid's table. Which post are they in so I can go back and see them? I also noticed another one in your profile pic. Where is that one too? Yes, I am a sticky beak. I want to see everything!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!