Sunday, January 15, 2012

Civic Duty

Well, OK, I suppose Civic Duty is a bit much...

But I do feel it is my duty to keep you all updated on the great finds for your sewing room, along with sharing just what my crazy quilting buddy Ruth found for me, for Christmas.

Meet Mark...  He isn't just another pretty ironing board cover, he is shameless. You see once your iron heats up, his towel disappears.  Oh yeah baby!! And let me just tell, you, he leaves nothing to the imagination at that point!  Now you know I can't show you that!  This is a rated G site!!!  :-)  :-)

The cover wasn't all of my gift. She bought me a new Continental Platinum Dry Iron. It is perfect for fusible applique, because there are no holes in the sole plate. Score!!!  Yippee, cause you all know how much I love fusible applique. So a big thanks to Ruth, you keep me laughing all the time, and this is no exception.

Where, oh just where would she come up with this cover, you ask?  Well, the fine folks at BoNash seem to have the inside track on that.  You can  find em right   HERE  and there is even a girl for those men who hate to iron!  My coworkers have been howling over these things, and some have even ordered them for wedding gifts. How funny is that?   I can bet it will be the one gift they won't get a duplicate of!!!!

I think my lack of sewing binge is over. I managed to get my machine fired up last night, and I stitched into the midnight hours.  I love those kind of nights. It felt so good to get back to the thing I love most. I will soon have something new to share with you!

                                                                :-) Keep on stitchin!


  1. Oh my what will they come up with next! Too funny!

  2. I HATE to iron.....but with him to admire, I could be coerced to change my mind! So funny..thanks.

  3. I think maybe the new ironing board cover made you want to go sew some more! LOL!

  4. So I can only assume you have been doing a LOT of ironing lately.
    And just watch out that nothing gets scorched - that would be a shame!

  5. I NEED ONE!! Those are just too funny!! LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Holy cow! I NEED one of those too!! Glad you fulfilled your civic duty and shared him. LOL.

  7. That is hilarious! How much fun!!!

  8. Absolutely hysterical....I think my sister needs one of these. :) blessings, marlene


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