Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Another PIG Done

Ya-hoo, that Projects in Grocery Sacks (PIGS) list just got shorter by 1. Hey it's a start!  :-)

Since it's summertime, I figured that "Sun Bathers" needed to come out of the sack and get done. Better a swimsuit on these guys than me!  :-)  :-) 

This behemoth almost required me to put the extra leaf into my table. Whew!
It finished out at 16"x67", and that's a lot of sun bathin goin on!  :-)

It's a Mount Redoubt Design and a kit I bought....   I can't even remember how many years ago. It's going to be a fun one on the picnic table this summer for sure.

You just gotta love these faces, don't you?  I used a glow in the dark for the tusks, just for laughs!

Now lets see, what else can I get into today!  I'm still dealing with this retirement thing. I don't seem to be quite as organized as I was when I worked. Just why is that I have to wonder!!!

                                                  Have a great day!


  1. They are wonderful. Do they have names yet?

  2. They are cute--you should name them Huskie and Tuskie (o9r Tuskie and Toothie). Aren't I original?

  3. What a sweet bunch they are! Okay, maybe handsome instead. Lovely to see the finish!

  4. Oh I do love the faces....so cute!


  5. Too funny -- they're sure to bring a lot of laughs around the table this summer.


  6. I love your new picnic table friends!! Way to cute and glowing tusks to boot!!!! Love it!!!
    And it feels so good to bring out old friends and make them shine - and find them a new home instead of being clutter in your sewing room!! Speaking of which, I gotta go!!!! bye!!


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