Tuesday, July 10, 2012

500 Give-A-Way

The big 500.  I really reached (and surpassed) the big 500.  Who in the world would have dreamed that I would find that many who would want to read my dribble!  When I started blogging it was on a whim. More to make myself complete my pile of UFO's.

Did that happen you ask?   Well, not really, I am too busy blogging now!

Just kidding, I actually have finished many things, it's just that the pile was so huge, it will probably take me more than this life time, to tackle it all. And with all the great things I am finding in blog land, I am busy with other "stuff". I know, you all know what I mean :-)

But enough of all that. I have to reward my followers by having a Give-A-Way!

So with out further ado...   my little offering.
Not 1, or 2 but 3 full yard pieces of fabric.

1-for my great blog followers
2-for the glorious day it is
3-because my life changed today, and I am heading down a new path again!

If you have followed me, you know that I retired the end of April and went to work for our local Babylock dealership. I love the place and the people are fabulous, but I miss my airport job. All the drama, all the angry people and the opportunity to talk someone down off the proverbial "ledge". Who knew I would miss the environment so much??? But I am happy to say that SkyWest Airlines (United Express) has offered me a job today, and I am very excited to have accepted it. I start training in just a week and a half. Whew. It's all so fast.

So help me celebrate!

One person will win all! Leave me a comment and tell me what's the favorite thing you've read on my blog and what your favorite job is/was! And of course you have to be a follower :-)  Don't forget if you are a no-reply blogger, you will need to leave your email also. :-) We are going to leave this open until Friday morning, and then let randomizer select a winner! So put your thinking caps on.  I am wishing you all the best, and thanks for making my blogging so worthwhile :-)

Now for a little unrelated FYI:

I set my Red White and Blue blog hop post to publish at midnight the day it was supposed to go up. When I woke up at 7am...  nothing!!!   ARRRRGH

Did you all know that in order for that to happen, you also have to hit the publish button?  Well, I for one sure didn't, but Jane over at Jane's Fabrics and Quilt BLOG  was kind enough to share that tidbit with me!  I filed that one in my "Who Knew" file!  Hope that sheds some light on things for you!  :-)


  1. I love your shared Trivet Tuxedo's tutorials, favorite job - professional horse trainer, riding instructor and compaigning olympic show jumpers (retired) - and a follower.

  2. I love everything you do and the way you write about it. My entire adult life I have worked in an office but the summer before I graduated i worked at a local school pretty much playing with the kids. We made lanyards and pot holders and played knock hocky. It was a wonderful summer.
    Regarding your post for the hop. I had the exact same thing happen. Got up this morning and nothing. I spent Sunday evening writing so I wouldn't have to think on a work day and low and behold I had to hope I hit the right button and not erase the whole thing.
    Congrats on the new job. ARe you going back full or part time. Will you still have quilting and blogging time? I'll stop now.

  3. I loved reading about your snow dying adventures! As for jobs, I'm a speech therapist and I have enjoyed several of my jobs, and love working primarily with kids!

  4. I love your Alaska pictures! My favorite "job" was being a stay-at-home mom. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I found your snow dyeing tutorial really interesting.

    Favorite "job" being a housewife.

  6. How am I supposed to pick???! I enjoy reading about your adventures and the quilt retreats and classes - it is fun to read about places in your great state (where I used to live). I also like many of your ideas - like that 'race car and favorite things' garland a while back. I retired from college teaching. As much as I loved that job, I must say I love retirement and quilting most days more! ~Jeanne

  7. Yep, the snow dyeing was fun! I guess my favorite job has been being a wife , mother and grandmother! Thank you...

  8. I don't comment as often as I should, but i am a happy lurker. (follower) :-) I loved learning about snow dying; and I really was impressed with the Carpenter's Wheel Quilt as you Go~ can't wait to see yours! Congrat's on your new job! My favorite job has been being a Mom. :-) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  9. Well, congratulations on being 500. You don't look a day over 499!!! Spring Chicken!
    How can I not read your blog? What's my favourite part? The dribble of course - you hit the nail on the head! Nobody dribbles better than you.
    Looking forward to the next 500. Who knows what you will look like then!!!

  10. me, too, the snow dying posts were great. i was a stay-at-home mom, too, but i sat on election boards for 25 years if that's counted.

  11. Congrats on your 500. I enjoy reading your blog and remember when you posted first about going to work in the Babylock dealership. My favourite job was as a young teenager on Saturdays and during school holidays I worked on a flower farm and the smell of Hyacinths coming upto Christmas was the best.

  12. 500! Wow! Congratulations on your new job, too! Favorite job? Maybe waitressing at a guest ranch when I was 18.

  13. I loved your posts on snow dyeing! I'd love to try one day!
    My fave job was/is being a Mum! the best job in the world although the pay is lousy!
    Congratulations on 500!

  14. I've only been following you for a couple of weeks now, and don't have the time to read all your blogs at this time, so I'm not sure which one would be my favourite one! I have been a homemaker for over 20 years, love it, and have actually 2 "part time" jobs: I help out in the spring time at my hubbies business: Green Acres Greenhouses, and I also set up an alterations business out of my own house. But mostly I'm a mom! Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. Congrats on 500!! I have enjoyed a lot of posts the trivet tutorials are saved in my favorites. I tried to make one last month, but it didn't quite work out....LOL
    my Favorite job would be when I owned an ice cream store...fattening, but fun...lol

  16. Wow! This has been a wonderful way via blog to see what you are up to and creating!! I really enjoy seeing your projects in process...and then the finished item!! You are an inspiration to me, and gives me the motivation to get behind that sewing machine and embroidery machine again!!

    Follow your heart. Do what you feel you want to do in life, not have to do! I will still keep an eye on you, and will continue the "care packages" lovingly packed each week for you!!


  17. Good for you , I hope you enjoy your new job . I am a new follower , actually found you because of the blog hop , great blog and I will become a more regular visitor . Thanks for the chance at your giveaway , you are very generous. Sheila in Nova Scotia.

  18. Congrats all around. One of your posts that I really enjoyed reading was about the snow dying. My favorite job was a summer job where I was a gopher for an advertising agency in downtown Chicago. Never a dull minute.

  19. i am a fairly new follower but love your blog . retirement is my favorite job. i love it ! i get to sew when i an not canning that is

  20. Congrats on 500 followers! I started following your blog some time ago and I fell in love with your tile blocks! I made only one small one then made a 12 inch but too small and when I tried to "force" it on the tile......the seams ripped out....my goof up! So I still have some tiles and my sister-in-law is waiting patiently for hers since last summer. My favorite job was just a few years ago working for a landscape company, who knew you could get paid to pull weeds! I loved working on my own but unfortunately my "old" body didn't like doing it 8 hours a day. Have fun in your new venture!

  21. Hi there! I'm a new follower and I guess my fave post of yours is the one today since it's the first one I've read :-)...

    My favorite job is the 8 years I spent coaching a women's college soccer team. Those girlies were crazy, but I wouldn't trade them for the world!

    Thanks for sharing the posting in the future tip - I wondered why it didn't work when I tried it!

    Francine (mochawildchild)

  22. I am a follower. Congrats on the 500 and the new path - that is always exciting. I am just looking foward to retiring

  23. Wow! Talk about never a dull moment!!
    I would love to 'officially' follow your blog, but I've not been able to locate the icon submit link to follow by email. I have been reading your blog just not following 'officially linked up'.
    What I enjoy about your blog is that you are not afraid to admit you are human. And can I also add I just love looking at your cute little moose! :D My favorite job is being Mom but my favorite '$ paying job' creating and designing art!

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  24. Just a new blogger and just found you. Will be adding you to my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!