Friday, July 6, 2012

Can you guess?

Haven't heard from me lately???  Well, it's not that I haven't been busy. 2304 that is the magic number. Yeah, you read it right 2304. 

                     The pile, just keeps getting bigger, and bigger!

                            A few turned into these. Note: just a few. :-)

                             And then when that was done I had to do this...

All I can tell you at this point, is for once in my life, I believe I have managed to completely use up all my scraps. Oh no...  tell me it's not sew   so!

When it's 105 degrees outside what better place than in my air conditioned sewing cave!  :-)
And no I didn't see the light of day for 8 straight days. Good thing no one wanted me to fix a meal, do laundry or clean anything for that matter!  hehehehe


  1. The only good thing about going to work was being inside while it was 105. The swamp cooler is a wonderful invention but it just can't keep up with 105! The water just evaporates faster than it fills. Glad you were able to put the weather to good use.

  2. impress me soooo much! Should we be glad for the hot weather? Can't wait to see this come together!

  3. You really have managed to hide in your cave! And you have used all your scraps?? Are you sure? Quick, open some cupboards or boxes to check, just in case!!! You know they can multiply in the dark on their own . Watch out!!

  4. Now this is very interesting. I can' wait to see what you have planned for all those lovely pieces.

  5. This is very, very impressive on many levels. Can't wait to see the end results. Oh and if you are in scrap withdrawal send your address and I'll gladly send you a fabric fix.

  6. have put the heat to good use as an excuse to sew. Very impressive, and can't wait to see what you are planning.

  7. It's amazing what one can archive when the weather is not what we like it to be. Very impressive! :) I'm working on my stash these days too; cutting squares for a PSQ swap. It feels wonderful to reduce the heap of scraps that have accumulated over the last years. I totally agree with Karen; they tend to multiple and even worse! :)

  8. wowee! you have been busy. good way to spend time during a heat wave.
    thanks for coming by during the RWB block hop and leaving your nice comment. good luck in the giveaway.

  9. I want to come live in your world where I don't have to cook for someone or wash their (not so little) bod, or... well you get my drift! LOL I would give anything for a three day weekend of that! Oh, I think a call to the in-laws is in order! LOL But then I have the biggest kid of them all to take care of! dern Honeyman! hehe


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