Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Snowman Soup

Let's hear it for Snowman Soup!!  After a very long and HOT summer, the temperatures are starting to drop. Yeah, I know that it's nowhere close to the time to start thinking about snowmen and the likes... But after such a long heat wave, it's sounding better and better. Heck it was down right chilly on Saturday morning, and I am seeing my trees starting to turn already. That's almost unheard of this soon. I hope it's not a sign of the winter to come!  :-)

But just in case, Angie Padilla over at Angies Bits and Pieces, shared this adorable quilt with us last month, with her Christmas in July. We got a new pattern every day of the month last month. Is that too cool or what?
                          All the best ingredients in the soup!

                                      Great canister and mugs

 A mason jar full of chocolate and marshmallows, along with a pot for the soup.

                                        and a few chocolate drops

                       You've got all you need for a great pot 'o soup!

Thanks Angie for all your talent and the adorable pattern you shared with us all.
If you are not a member of Angies Bit's and Pieces, I can guarantee it's the best bargain out there.  Check it out HERE. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sock Monkey

I have always loved Sock Monkey!

The fabric has been around for awhile, but I hadn't gotten around to getting mine yet. Fortunately I found a piece at my quilt shop recently.

I stumbled across this fun, and best yet - FREE - pattern online awhile back from the fine folks over at United Notions!

Click HERE  for your very own copy. Get em before they are gone!

 Somewhere in the dark reaches of my quilting room, I even have a package of the original "socks" that are probably 35-40 years old. I know that it has the pattern for the monkey on the package. Gheez, that's probably a collectors item now!!! :-) I really should find them shouldn't I??


Thursday, August 16, 2012


Yeah behemoth, it's the only way I can describe it.

You've seen it before on my blog, or one like it, I should say!  This one is mine... all mine. I was so enchanted with it, I had to have my very own.

It's a reversible quilt. One side is a Buggy Wheels block and the other side is a string quilt.
I used the QAYG method to put them together.
With it's 120"x120" behemoth size, it wouldn't fit on my long arm :-(
Putting those last couple of rows on gave me a challenge. The weight of this beast was unbelievable. I am going to be one warm girl come winter this year!
You can't believe how hard it was to bind, when it was 105 degrees outside. I learned to do some strange contortions to make sure I wasn't sitting under it at any point, for fear of heat stroke!  LOL!!

It was fun to change the fabric colors joining the blocks on each side, and I found a fabulous online tutorial, for making 2 color bindings.  You can find the tutorial for yourself right  HERE 

Dare I mention that it completely emptied out my scrap drawers. I have no scraps, and I ran out of strings, and had to start cutting up more fabrics to finish it up. Whew, it sure felt great to use up all the oldie-moldies!  Best part is I can't even see some of the really hideous fabrics!! Win-win!!

My scrap shortage was short lived. I was gifted 2  big boxes of fabulous scraps and specialty threads from my cousin who is cleaning out her sewing room. You won't see me complaining about anything, other than the fact that her room is going to be clean, and mine won't... but I am good with it  ;-)

So... that's what I did on my summer vacation, my "short" retirement.  Classes are going well, and I will be completely trained and out tormenting folks the beginning of October!  Watch out if your flying out of Denver!! Cause I will be watchin' for ya! 

Oh by the way... Quilting Gallery is having a scrap quilt contest.
I would love for you to hop over and give me a vote.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Calling all Swappers!

Have you ever done a swap?  I love them.  Blocks, dolls, appliques, fabrics, mug rugs, take your pick... What better way to meet a new quilting friend.

There are 2 great ones going on right now at AuntPittyPats.

We are short just 2 to fill our Halloween Swap...

and there are 9 spots to fill the 2 Christmas swaps.

We swap 12 1/2" blocks.   You can get all the details  for yourself

I can tell you personally, they are great swaps, and you won't be disappointed. Remember my Raggedy Annie 4th of July swap?  It was just wonderful.

Aunt Pitty is a delight to work with, so hop on over and sign up, before you miss out!  We are waiting!!!

PS:  You might have had a sneak peek at my block here recently!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tape Measure Bag

Have you ever heard of a tape measure bag?   I for one, had not!  But that all changed last week, when I got a kit in the mail from my cousin, for my birthday!  It was so darn cute, and such an interesting concept, that I had to start on it right away!

            It takes 17,  60" plastic tape measures, and a LOT of ribbon trim! 

You start out like this...
Pining your tape measures to a piece of foam core board!

Then you just weave, over and under, and over and under with your ribbons. 

Now, don't you just  know, I was so captivated by all this that I forgot to take a photo!!

But as you will see, it made into a big sheet of fabric, so to speak!
You sew up the ends and embellish the top. 

Ever heard of Whimsy Sticks?
It was a first for me.

They were used to make the very top orange and pink ribbon embellishment.

Don't you just love how the bottom folds up and the button and ribbon secure it! 

I had some cutting mat fabric, that made a perfect cover for the acrylic bottom in my tote.

And that bow... Yep done with the Whimsy Sticks too! How cleaver!

So if your looking to make one yourself. Here's the pattern cover. 
It is really quite amazing!
Best yet...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blog Hop Ends

It's time for all great things to end, and today is the end of the Christmas Blog Hop. I know you have all enjoyed it as much as I have. So many wonderful blocks, great ideas, and inspiration over filling my head. 

It's been great and we all owe Madame Samm and Leslie a huge thanks for all they do! 

While I have yet to figure out just how the heck to get the Random Generator up and working on my blog, I did in fact, consult it.  Thru it's magic, it tells me that #32 is the winner of my Mickey Christmas Block.

And that's...

Needled Mom

So a big CONGRATULATIONS to you!!  Can't wait to to hear from you with your mailing info! 

With the Christmas Hop over, I am switching gears and starting on a new project.

It's a secret, I really shouldn't say...

                But a sneak peak just might be ok!!!
