Thursday, August 9, 2012

Calling all Swappers!

Have you ever done a swap?  I love them.  Blocks, dolls, appliques, fabrics, mug rugs, take your pick... What better way to meet a new quilting friend.

There are 2 great ones going on right now at AuntPittyPats.

We are short just 2 to fill our Halloween Swap...

and there are 9 spots to fill the 2 Christmas swaps.

We swap 12 1/2" blocks.   You can get all the details  for yourself

I can tell you personally, they are great swaps, and you won't be disappointed. Remember my Raggedy Annie 4th of July swap?  It was just wonderful.

Aunt Pitty is a delight to work with, so hop on over and sign up, before you miss out!  We are waiting!!!

PS:  You might have had a sneak peek at my block here recently!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've done both those swaps in the past and the blocks I received were fantastic! Some of those swappers have very creative imaginations. I wish I could do the swaps again, but I still haven't done anything with the blocks I have. Someday I'm going to have 2 fabulous quilts.


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