Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tape Measure Bag

Have you ever heard of a tape measure bag?   I for one, had not!  But that all changed last week, when I got a kit in the mail from my cousin, for my birthday!  It was so darn cute, and such an interesting concept, that I had to start on it right away!

            It takes 17,  60" plastic tape measures, and a LOT of ribbon trim! 

You start out like this...
Pining your tape measures to a piece of foam core board!

Then you just weave, over and under, and over and under with your ribbons. 

Now, don't you just  know, I was so captivated by all this that I forgot to take a photo!!

But as you will see, it made into a big sheet of fabric, so to speak!
You sew up the ends and embellish the top. 

Ever heard of Whimsy Sticks?
It was a first for me.

They were used to make the very top orange and pink ribbon embellishment.

Don't you just love how the bottom folds up and the button and ribbon secure it! 

I had some cutting mat fabric, that made a perfect cover for the acrylic bottom in my tote.

And that bow... Yep done with the Whimsy Sticks too! How cleaver!

So if your looking to make one yourself. Here's the pattern cover. 
It is really quite amazing!
Best yet...


  1. Spectacular!!It`s the first time I see this.

  2. Love those bright bold colors... soooo ME!

  3. What a great way to use different materials! Is the bag very stiff or scratchy? I've had purses in the past that snag my clothes, so just curious if this bag is rough feeling. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. What a great bag!! I can't wait to make one for myself!!

  5. Who gets all these wonderful ideas? This looks like you had lots of fun with this bag and discovered a few new tricks along the way.
    And Happy Birthday!!

  6. That is just adorable. How fun!!!


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