Sunday, October 28, 2012

I couldn't been in soooooo much trouble!

Yep, I coulda...

I have a friend who was a Denver Bronco cheerleader years ago. She has kept it a well guarded secret...  That was until her boys found a photo while cleaning house. 

Don't you know, the first thing they did was sneak it over to my house, and with the help of my boys devised an "evil" plan to embarrass her!  Now just how do I get involved with all this?  Gheez, she's my friend!  But I did it...

and not without throwing them all under the bus, over it!

Just like any good parent should do with grown kids!!!
Save yourself first!
I should be ashamed of my stash. I even had some of the "logo" fabric from long ago, before the Broncos got all fancy and changed things!
Talking about change, you know this was an old photo, when was the last time you saw that much clothing on a cheerleader! LOL!!
Oh please so forgive me Deb!


  1. Looks like fun to me. Bet she does like it!! Love it when the kids - big and small - get involved!

  2. Oh she will love it, and you, for making such a treasure! Well done!

  3. Great fun, I think she will feel the warmth and love of these 4 boys, they much love her coming up with such a plan! You must be a dear friend of this family that they come to you.

  4. Hehehehe. Friends always forgive especially since you did it out of love.

  5. I hate to say that's why we never throw anything away. What a great quilt.

  6. I think she will love it, what a wonderful surprise. My name is Deb, and I would love it. I've found that Debbie's like the same things usually. You weren't bad at all! You can tell the boys love their Mother.

  7. She'll love it in spite of it all!!!

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