Friday, October 12, 2012

It Leaf'ed me Happy

Can you believe it's over already??  I am sure everyone has been "leafed" as happy as I was. After all, just how could you not be!  So many fun ideas, and sharing going on. Bless Madame Samm for her brainstorm of a blog, and bringing us all closer together. And that darn Cherry... she is just the best? Thank you girls, without you, we would not be what we are today! :-)

Now, without further "ado"...

The winner of the Connecting Threads tonal layer cake is:
                                                      Bonnie 58

                                       Here's what Bonnie had to say!

I am an existing follower. Thanks for the great tut and the wonderful draw.

                                  Yeah!!! Congratulations to Bonnie!!!!! 
I've sent you and email to get your snail mail address. As soon as I hear from you, it will be on it's way!

                              Thank you "ALL" for the wonderful comments.
                           See you in a couple of weeks in our "Wicked" hop.
                               I know your as excited about it as I am! :-)



  1. Congratulations to the winner and thank you for hosting.

  2. Thanks for a great giveaway and congratulations to Bonnie!

  3. Congratulaitons to Bonnie! It was a wonderful bloghop, I enjoyed every day of it!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!