Monday, October 1, 2012

Leafs Me Happy Blog Hop

Fall is here, the leaves are falling, and the blog hop is starting. Can it get any better?  :-)

Not that I am looking to steal anyone thunder, but I want to start this hop off with a little project I put together.
It's very easy and starts with a package of floral leaves.
I found these at the Dollar Store. So as you can tell this is going to be a really pricey project... NOT!
For most of us in the States, the good ole Dollar Store is a staple of life! Yes just like it says, everything is $1. Can you really go wrong with that? :-)
I then dug thru my batting scraps, and found a piece that should work out just fine. That and a base and backing. All scraps of leftovers! My favorite thing to start a new project with.
Leaves and leaves! You did notice the package said there were 90 of these  things?
I scattered them across my fabric, but it was kind of a snooze...
So I dug thru my cabinet of things I just "had" to save!!
It came from some kind of produce I purchased, I think.
Now this is looking a little more like it, so I pin down my leaves.
Just stitch down the veins of the leaves.
While I on a recycling kick, I went out and found a nice tree branch for my quilt hanger!
And there you have it.
It "Leafs Me Happy!
You can check out the master schedule HERE, over at Cherry Blossoms.
As for me, I will see you on Friday! That's the day I get to share my post, with 10 other fabulous bloggers. I can hardly wait!


  1. Very clever! Not sure I would find leaves like that in Ireland which is a shame, but has turned out beautiful!

  2. Wonderful and so creative! Well done!

  3. Very smart! Great idea and a wonderful way to use the leaves. What do you think the leaves are made of? I do enjoy poking around the Dollar Store when we visit. Just never know what you will find! Looking forward to seeing you on Friday, too.

  4. Great wall hanging. I love the dollar stores, they are like the five & dimes stores of years ago! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Well aren't you the inspired one! Just darlin and it all started with a bag of leaves. :-)

  6. Hi Miss Clever - can't wait to see what you're doing for Day 5, since Day 1 is so cute.

  7. love your idea! no dollar store here, so should i make this, when i make this, i'll just draw some leaves on fusible and fuse them to some glorious golds, rusts and amber fabrics and scatter them on some background. would look so nice on my entry table! thanx again!

  8. I Love It!!! Can't talk now I'm headed to the dollar store...See ya.

  9. What a neat wall hanging....I keep waiting for a ghost or witch to be behind it! I love the dollar stores!


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