Wednesday, January 16, 2013

And the Winner is,,,

Mr tells me that # 38 is the winner of a Senior Delinquent pattern of their very own!

          That means that you JCnNC are the lucky one!

Here's what Judy had to say...
This makes me so happy - wonderful work and I love it. Love stopping by your blog and have been a follower for awhile. Judy C

I've sent you an email Judy and will get it in the mail asap! 

This hop has been so inspirational, that we are all winners. Thanks to everyone who participated. Your projects were the best. I also want to send out a big thanks to all who took the time out of their day to read our blogs. I know I can speak for all of us, when I tell you, it makes our day!

A big shout out to Madame Samm and Linda, whom without, we wouldn't be what we are today!

      Congratulations Judy! Can't wait to hear from you!

Now on a completely unrelated side note. Blogger is having issues uploading photos yet.  I can share from experience, that if I access blogger thru another platform other than Internet Explorer, I have no issues.  Mozilla Firefox is a free down loadable platform and the one I have switched to. It came recommended to me, by a friend in New Mexico, who ran the largest law firm in the state. She tells me it is much more secure than Explorer. I have no knowledge of security, but I can tell you, I have no issues when I access my blog thru Mozilla. I am sure there are other platforms out there, but I am very happy with Firefox. 
Here is the link, if your interested in it. Hope it helps resolve some of the issues we are experiencing!  :-)


  1. Congratulations to Judy and thank you for hosting.

  2. Well, I guess I will have to buy my own, but Congratulations Judy on your win. That you for the giveaway.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!