Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thru the Woods

It's done.  Yippee, it's really done!

Even after the debacle last week with my stitching the border on upside down, I managed to recover from my snit, get it picked out and put together correctly. This is a stellar moment for me. Normally, I would toss it in a corner and let it sit for... well in some cases forever! LOL!

This one was just too pretty to let sit though, I trudged thru fixing it. I really can't say with a smile on my face though! I'm not that good!  Tee hee...

Don't you just love the colors?
I am so proud of myself. I actually used fabrics in my stash. I had to purchase the background black fabric, and a few extra greens, but my goal was to stash bust, and I kept to that for this quilt.
The solid fabrics are my hand dyes. 

This was a BOM last year from Project House 360. 
I loved this pattern so much, that I made sure I downloaded each piece every month.
There was a little something for everyone. The center is paper pieced as well as the trees.

 A little traditional piecing...

Some Log Cabin

 Rounded out with some fun applique

I know that most would do needle turned applique, but I just don't have the patience or talent to do it. I did fusible and a little thread play on it. Since this will be washed, I made sure I used Fray Check on all of it. 4 bottles worth! :-)  It's a must, if it's going to "ever" be washed.

I rounded it all off with some fun quilting.

An update on the panto info...
it is available at

It's called Alfresco. I've had it for awhile, but not used it yet. After doing so, all I can ask myself is WHY did it take me so long. This was so much fun to do. It's got a great rhythm to it, and was so much fun to do! It was a great, pop on some good music and get into the groove panto!
I do love that. 

It got me to thinking... just about all of my favorite pantos come from Willow Leaf, and I need to go shopping with them again real soon!

So there you have it... and for what I learned from all this is...
What the heck was I thinking? A black quilt with all this cat hair!!!

Murphy is that you?

On my final note...

See this? 

I am not sold on these new Bounce Dryer Bars. This is the stuff you get on your things, if the dryer is too full. I can control it when I dry normal things, but when your trying to fluff up a king size quilt, and de-thread or in my case "cat hair" a quilt, you really don't have a choice of the volume in there.
I just need to remember to pull the bar out of the dryer, but did I? 
Guess not!
It does come off with a wet wash rag, but it's just another one of those things...
This quilt seems to have had it in for me from the start!
Smooch! I love it anyway!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PJ shopping

I personally love all the Internet deals that are available now. Let me sit around the house and shop in my PJ's and save a lot of money. Not are the prices usually less than what I pay locally, but I usually save on sales tax which in many cases pays for the shipping if it isn't free anyway!

Case in point... my favorite
 Last week I got an email from them, about their "Snack Attack" fabrics on sale.


It brought back memories of the adorable pattern called Snack Attack by Carol over at Fun

I just had to email her and tell her about the big sale.  I have long been a shopper at Thousand of Bolts, but Carol found all kinds of toys to play with on the site. You can read her post HERE.

The fabrics they had were just the ones I searched high and low for while I was making this quilt. Where oh where were these, when I was looking for them.

You never know when your going to need those special fabrics again, so off to work I went and surfed the sale... Look what I got in the mail!
Are these just the greatest snack attack fabrics?

 I needed some white fabric and stumbled across these other fun prints while surfing!

I just can't help, but not checking out the fat quarter and clearance "short cuts" too.

That's a total of 12 full yards and 11 fat or short cut fabrics.

Wanna guess what the the total on that bill is?
We all know that the average price is over $10 a yard now.

There you have it $83.36.  With the flat rate shipping charge, it was still under $100.
No sales tax, no gas, heck no dressing up either!
Now that is a fabulous day of shopping for me. 

Just one note though.  The post office is having all kinds of financial troubles, that we hear about all the time. This medium flat rate box has jumped from $7.75 to $12.95 in the past 2-3 years. Trust me I know, I mailed stuff to my son in Alaska, in them all the time.  I understand that costs rise, and I am OK with the extra charge, but...
 really now, is this how they handle PRIORITY MAIL?
So glad this wasn't china in the box.
LOL!!  All my precious fabric was safe and sound regardless of the trip it too!

So check out my fav...
and see what kind of trouble you can get into!

As for me, I have to find a place to hide my new loot!
Hubby will have a heart attack if he sees more fabric come thru the door!
Gotta run before he gets home!

Friday, March 22, 2013

It's an arrrrrgh moment

I have been working away this week on a UFO and was getting really excited about being ready to put it on the longarm...

But drat!   Some idiot stitched a border on wrong. It's going to be a rippit kind of day!   Where is that blasted seam ripper anyway?????    Why on a king size quilt, do these things seem to happen? Couldn't be a baby size, could it?

                                 Hope your day is going better!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I am reading more and more about Google reader going away this summer.
I've decided to join up with Bloglovin like so many others.  If anyone has information to share on either Google reader or Bloglovin, I would love to hear from you.


Monday, March 18, 2013

International Sun Bonnet Sue

I am so excited to have finished this project. It's been in the works for at least 2-3 years now. I can't really say it was a UFO, because it never got started. It was more like a PIGS  (project in grocery sack)!  I just kept collecting and collecting fabrics!

With the Nancy Drew blog hop over, it came to the top of my "to-do" list again. Remember my "Get a Clue Sue" quilt. Well, Sue came from the International Sue book.
 Look familiar?
Never has my sewing room looked like such a disaster, while creating this adorable quilt!
At least, since I gave up paper scrapbooking!
With so many fabrics in it, I had bits and pieces all over the place.
I am so glad I hoarded those scraps over the years!
Here is a peak at  the others...

Kind of fun little ones aren't they?

Each block is a 8"x10" square
I chose to put mine together as a quilt as you go.

My pile of batting scraps had started to grow out of control, and this was the best way to tame it. I also chose to use a variety of white and cream backgrounds. Since this really was a "use up those scraps" quilt. I even managed to just squeak out enough fabric for the front and the back from stash. Leftovers from projects of days past. 

So, I deem this my "freebie" quilt. Nothing purchased for it, and I have managed to de-stash a bit, which makes for a very happy quilter here!
It makes me smile from ear to ear, every time I look at it!

Wonder which UFO or PIGS, I should start next????