Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another PIG finish

I am delighted to have finally finished this little...ok maybe not so little project.
It was started so long ago, that I really can't even remember when. My guess is at least 8-9 years ago.

A similar quilt was hanging in our LQS and I just had to sign up for the class. At the time I probably had all of 3-4 quilts under my belt, so why not take on something with a zillion little pieces in it??? I really had no idea the value of a 1/4" seam at that time either. At least that's my guess, as I was finishing this up. LOL!! It's amazing that I was actually able to get it put together and have it come close to square. It's not, but who will ever know!   tee hee

The quilt is from Judy Martin's "Knockout Blocks and Sampler Quilts book.
I have to say, there are some fabulous quilts in this book. But it is not for the faint of heart! 
Don't you just love the scrappy look?
Once this bad boy was done, I jumped on my blog to take it off my PIGS list. Yippee, I get to remove a project from that list for once.
But... Horrors!  It wasn't on my list.
What the heck?  Apparently that drawer full of projects I found recently, never made it to the list.
Drat! My list is growning instead of shrinking?
That's just not right!
I am kind of in the mood, to actually finish stuff right now, so it's a "so long" to this project, and on to another.   I made sure the new one is actually on my list.
I can't wait to take something off it!



  1. That is a great finish and a great looking quilt.

  2. I remember the first time I did flying geese. It was not pretty.

  3. It looks wonderful! For having so few quilts under your belt at the time, this really is amazing! ~Jeanne

  4. It's such a pretty quilt. Very ambitious of you. Nice to have it off your list, even if its only the mental list. Done is done.

  5. Sooo, so pretty :) Here's to striking things off our lists! I've been stuck working on two gift quilts so I'm getting antsy to get back to the list. :D

  6. Just wonderful.
    I love it.
    So don't be sorry for the list... :-)

  7. Eeep. So many triangles!! What a great quilt finish:)

  8. On the list or not -- at least it's DONE!! And looking great, I might add!

  9. That one does look awesome. Very nice PIG!!

  10. Wow such a pretty finished quilt. Who cares how long it took you the fact is you done it....Congratulations.

  11. You are on a roll! Love this finish...I think I have that book too.

  12. This is a great quilt and I do love the colours. Certainly an impressive finish! Doesn't matter if it wasn't on your list - we know it's a finish!!!

  13. Love those colors together. Congratulations on a finish.


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