Monday, June 3, 2013

Say it with Flowers Blog Hop

Final day, and oh too soon.
But with the end of our flower hop, comes summer here in the US. By now many our flowers are in bloom and we are contemplating pulling weeds now.
Guess we have to take the bad with the good!  LOL!
A big shout out to Carol, our fearless leader. Thanks so much for a wonderful hop. We do all appreciate the time you put into making this special for each and every one of us.
Madame Samm, you could not have "picked" a more lovely thing for this spring hop!
(wanna come pull weeds for me now???)

I was very excited about this hop, as in my PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) there was the perfect project. I bought the pattern probably 8-9 years ago. It was high time it came to the front of the project line up!
Here you have my version of "Alaska Garden"
Only thing missing is the moose!  LOL!
Nothing shouts out...I wanna be there than the crisp white mountains with their fabulous wild flowers in the foreground. I used Fairy Frost for the mountains to get that special gleam, and added in my hand dyes and some batiks. I must say, I do love it.
Alaska Fireweed.
and Poppies
Mount Redoubt Designs in  Kenai AK, is the designer. No one catches the true flavor of the north like they do.
I love the 3 panels... it give you great options on ways to display them.
While I was on the "flower" hunt, I found another pattern I purchased a few years back.  I really should be ashamed of myself for taking so long to put this one together. It took all of a couple of hours, from start to finish.
This one is from Images in Fabric.
Total size of all 4 pieces together is 16"x21"
The 3 smaller panels are a perfect mug rug size, too.

Fast and easy quilting! What a fun platform for a little playing.
I would like to show you just a taste of the beautiful flowers in Alaska. These photos were taken at the Norman Lowell Art Studio, outside of Homer Alaska.
Besides a fabulous studio, their old homestead is still there, along with gardens that put many of us to shame. His wife takes care of it all!  His talent is stunning and her gardens are nothing short of amazing.

Gheez, who is that with her big ole snoz in the photo???
Hope you have enjoyed my little taste of Alaska...
Makes me very home sick!
Lets have a give a way.
I am going to pass along each of these patterns. With all the projects I have started and bought patterns for, the chance of me making them again is I would love to give them to you!
Leave me a comment telling me what your favorite garden memories are.
I know there are hundreds and thousands of beautiful gardens across the globe. Maybe even in you own backyard.

Tomorrow I will pick my 2 lucky winners and get them in the mail to you!
Thanks so much for visiting.
I have sure enjoyed visiting all your blogs and marveling over your fabulous projects!
Please stop by our other bloggers today and tell them just how great they are!
Till tomorrow!
June 4th

                                             CeLynn’s Sunflower Patch
                                               Just Keep Swimming
                                               Quilter In The Closet
                                            Les passions de cliodana
                                                 Sew We Quilt


  1. Your flower projects are wonderful! Love to win one of the patterns. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Aren't your Alaskan (and Yukon :)) flowers gorgeous! I love Mount Redoubt patterns too. Last summer I was in Edmonton Alberta and visited the Muttart Conservatory. It has four pyramid gardens - tropical, arid, temperate and a feature pyramid. Lots of really interesting plants and flowers to see.

  3. Very impressed with your work. The mug rug flowers have beautiful colours. They have turned into great little pieces. Love the flowers in the Alaska Garden. They are very recognisable and would be a delight hanging on a wall. Lovely work all round.
    The photos from the garden are so pretty. That must have been a stunning garden.

  4. I remember my Mom would be out in the flower garden planting and pruning away almost everyday at the last house they were in. My Grandma has beautiful Roses in her yard. Fresh cut rose are always the first thing I see when i walk in her house.

  5. Great projects and fabulous photos, you should be working for the Alaskan Tourist Board. Have visited lots of lovely gardens in our time and hope to visit many more!

  6. So lovely yo made these flowers. Just love them. Thanks for sharing. Its so lovely and make such a nice little garden.Frederika

  7. wow Joan....I always hesitate before I open you anymore lol. but really these alaskan flowers are gorgeous..your project and pics keep getting better...The Alaska fireweed is of particular interest to me....great name and artistic choice

  8. Love these flowers, so pretty. I am trying my hand at growing some azealea and lilac bushes this year-I am not very good at this sort of thing, so wish me luck! lol Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  9. What wonderful flowers, both stitched and real. Can't wait for my yellow rosed to bloom.

  10. Very pretty. You did a lovely job. Thanks for sharing all the pretty pics today too.

  11. I love both sets of the flower panels!

    Alaska has some beautiful flowers! wow!

  12. You have indeed picked several beautiful flowers both stitched and in the nature. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures and beeing part of the hop

  13. My favorite garden experience was when I visisted my brother in Victoria and they had these amazing flower gardens and then at the end of the day they had the most amazing fire works. I never seen anything like it. Love your pieces. They are beautiful.

  14. My dad used to have a great vegetable garden. I loved going out there and getting the vegetables and eating them when they were just picked. Peas and tomatoes were my very favorites.

  15. Love your projects - thanks for sharing. I remember when I was in grade school, my parents had a big vegetable garden along with a small cutting garden that my Mom used for flower arrangements in the house. One year my Dad planted some blueberry bushes - turned our they were only ornamental because the blueberries were inedible. Thanks for the chance to win.

  16. I like the Mount ReDoubt flowers that you made the best. So pretty with the mountain in the background. An it's fun to have three separate quilts side-by-side. The photos of the real flowers are just beautiful too.

  17. OH, your AK flowers projects are so fabulous.....I remember seeing the 3 piece panel done when we visited AK a few years ago. The images in fabric is beautiful too! You did wonderful job on all of these. And your extra photos are a prize, just so beautiful I think I will borrow the window and the fence one for inspiration! My favorite garden memory.....what ever is in bloom!
    Thanks for sharing these.

  18. Your Alaska Flowers Panels are wonderful!

  19. Your projects are wonderful. The AK flowers are so vibrant. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Yay for finishes...and such pretty ones too!!

  21. Omg I am loving those Alaska flowers we we retire we hope to travel to Alaska. The best memories come from my own garden. I live in central flower and most of the time it freezes so I hate that but it is also cool to see what survives. This winter was mild so right now I have a lot of cool plants growing.

  22. lovely projects...thanks for sharing. I loved the flower gardens in St. Andrews...It is called St. Andrews by the Sea...and their gardens are fantastic!!

  23. Love the quilts. They are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing.

  24. Gosh what a beautiful post with lovely craftwork and gorgeous photos ♥

  25. My favorite gardening memory is the hollyhocks my mother grew. We are not a gardening family and she also had a peony bush. I now have some spring bulbs and one peony bush in tribute to my mom. Hope I win. I'd love to visit Alaska someday.

  26. My favorite memory of a garden is really about an old fashioned rose bush that was in our yard whenI was a child. It rambled and bloomed all summer. Thanks for taking me back there thru this memory! I love my ow garden and have enjoyed making it a place to relax and enjoy. Thanks for sharing the wonderful flowers today. Just lovely!

  27. My Grandma had a very small house and small yard. The yard was had a short picket fence around it and the entire front yard was in flowers! there was only a small pathway that went through the flowers. I loved it! I got my love for quilting and flowers from her. I just wish I could have known her longer!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  28. Your work is just gorgeous ! And I
    sew" enjoyed the pictures of the Alaskan flowers !

  29. Your creations are so beautiful and them! Your real flowers are gorgeous, too. Thanks for hopping with us! :O)

  30. Great job on both projects! I love Fireweed. We used to live in Igloolik, NU and the Dwarf Fireweed amazed me. It is so beautiful! When we moved to Newfoundland I figured I'd never see it again, but it does grow here. Not the dwarf version, but it's the same flower, only taller!

  31. Roses and Peony bushes. Those are my favs from when I lived in St. Louis. Austin has a whole different flavor. Lots of wildflowers and you just can not beat the Texas Bluebonnet.

  32. Beautiful flower quilts. I have several friends who are traveling to Alaska this summer and it would be wonderful if they could see flowers like you have shown. One of my favorite gardens to see was when we were traveling and someone had a garden of all cali lillies. It must have been 100 by 30 feet. Just beautiful. I had never seen so many at once.

  33. Your flower projects are just glorious. My sister lives in Homer so I will have to ask her if she has been to the gardens.

    My favorite garden memory is my grandmother's gladiolas. She would plant about 1/4 of an acre of glads each year on her farm. They were all right on the highway and people would stop in asking if they could buy some from her. She gave huge bouquets to the churches in town all during their blooming season.

  34. I think my favorite garden memory is the site of huge sunflowers peeking over the fence of my aunt's vegetable and flower garden when I was little.

  35. We had a big family as I was a growing up, so will always remember our vegetable garden. Thanks for the chance to win.

  36. When I think about a garden the very first that pops into my mind is my Grandmother's flower garden. Nana loved flowers and had a small but gorgeous garden filled with so much colour but the one flower I remember the most from her space was the peonies.

  37. Lovely flower panel quilts! I am drawn to the Alaska scene the most, I think as I do love the mountains especially since I am from IL but live near the foothills of the Appalachians now. You did a great job on both projects, Joan!

    Flower memory: probably planting a row of zinnias in the family garden plot with my dad as a young girl and then watching as they amazingly came up from those seeds. I still love zinnias and my dad still plants some along the driveway in their present home.

  38. Your flowers ... quilted and blooming are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. My favorite garden is my own backyard, even though it may not be the biggest or a garden club, it makes me smile ... :) Pat

  39. All your flowers projects are gorgeous. My daughter visited Alaska last year and loved it!
    I love our local city park and my own backyard.:)

  40. I like all the flowers you showed us. Thanks for sharing. My dad always grew beautiful flowers. But he sure didn't give me any of his ability. My older brother got it. He can toss an iris into the ditch and it will grow and bloom like crazy.

  41. Great projects - I especially like the 'Images in Fabric' pattern!
    It's lovely to see flowers from other parts of the world! some I recognise, some are new to me!
    My mum had green fingers which I would love to have inherited and her garden was always a riot of colour!
    Thank you for sharing!

  42. I love your flowers....those mug rugs are just perfect, the stitching, everything. I hope so much I have luck for I would love to do those patterns. I think my memories of flowers gardens, would be my aunt and uncle. They were more like parents to me and they were always in the garden, (vegetables, fruit trees, flowers) and their roses. They had rows of beautiful roses. My uncle would cut a boquet for my aunts table every Sunday morning before church. Thank you for the memories, they will never be forgotten.

  43. Your mug rugs are beautiful. The best garden I have ever been to is the one in Florida called botanical gardens, I can't think od the main name right now LOL oh well.
    (smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

  44. Great projects!!! Have never been to Alaska but it is on the bucket list:)
    Don't have any special garden memories but love to just walk through them and enjoy Mother Nature at her best:)

  45. What great projects, you really are creative! Alaska must be so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  46. beautiful work. love your projects. My mom was not the outdoors person but I love my flowers and planting them .

  47. What great projects. Love the pictures of the flowers and gardens. Thanks for shareign with us today on the hop.

  48. Lovely panels/mug rugs. Great quilting.
    My fav memory is my Grandfathers morning glories climbing up the bird house.

  49. Don't you know good things need time...thats why your quilts turned out great took your time making it ...LOL ( you are not alone!)
    I don't have a special garden memory ...anytime i am in the garden it is wonderful

  50. How beautiful Alaska is! And so are your flowers. :)
    My favorite garden memory? Today, sitting in the sun, patching on the gardentable, hearing the birds sing, smell the flowers and arounded bij rhododendrons. I love my garden. :D Every outside day is wonderfull!

  51. Wow! Really beautiful flowers in the threesome. We never think of Alaska with flowers and you showed us there are flowers and lots more eye candy.

  52. Alaska and flowers... stunning, what a gorgeous quilt in 3 parts! I love your gerbera daisy quilt! I love everythings that blooms in my garden, but I don't have a special story for you. Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers!

  53. Absolutely stunning, your quilt in three parts!!
    My dearest garden memory is my today's bicycle ride from Dokkum to Mûnein, that's in Friesland, a province in the north of The Netherlands where I live.
    The countryside, my backyard, was breathtaking on this long waited for sunny day.



  54. Thanks for showing us your beautiful flowers! I don't often think of AK as having so many blooming flowers. And thanks for the giveaway! Oh... and I love your term "pigs!"

  55. wow, this post rocks, so many beautilful flowers, those you sew and those in the garden, BEAUTIFUL thanks so much for sharing and the chance to win.
    I'm lucky to live in a house with a garden where I love to be when the sun is shining ☺

  56. Oh, I love those flowers! My favorite are the flowers on the black background. Beautiful garden photos.

  57. I love both your projects but Gerbera Daisies are my favorite flowers so they really appealed to me. I have so many happy memories of working in my garden that I can't pick a favorite!

  58. What beautiful projects! I really love your work. Your quilting on the daisies is very pretty. We visited Alaska last year, and the flowers were amazing. I especially loved visiting Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. We visited there when my sons were young. I loved the beautiful flowers and the lovely statues and sayings scattered throughout.

  59. Oh, your flowers are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your flowers in Alaska. When you hear Alaska you think of snow not lovely flowers.

  60. Beautiful flowers. When I lived in Washington, we lived near the arboretum. I loved going and looking at the lovely flowers and plants.

  61. Very beautiful flower pictures, I love all of wonderful. Flowers in Alaska. One of the many beautiful gardens of have been to are in Burlington Canada at botanical gardens.

  62. Breathtaking- makes me want to visit Alaska more than ever!

    My favorite garden memory entails putting in a rose garden for my Mom back in 1993 with my kid brother- we spent the weekend digging and planting and she loved it

  63. One of my favorite memories is the long row of Bleeding Hearts that my Aunt Florence had in her garden. It was as impressive as your projects, very nice!!

  64. I love all my flowers but they were planted my mother in law or me

  65. My grandfather always had the most beautiful display of Dahlias. Love the designs you sewed.

  66. Love all the plants. Have seen the pattern when visiting Robin Place net-shop! My visits in Alaska was during the wintertime, always. Beautiful "say it with flowers" post.

  67. LOVE LOVE LOVE your work as always! My fondest memories are from mom loved to fill her flowerbed outside our living room window with Marigolds...lots and lots of Marigolds...sometimes a few Petunias snuck

  68. Your projects are absolutely gorgeous! I love the flowers of Alaska trio!
    My favourite memories are from childhood. My mum loved peonies and lilacs and we had many bushes of both in the backyard. It made for a wonderfully fragrant place to be in the summer!

  69. OMGosh they are beautiful...all of them. My most wonderful experience was creating my own wildflower patch years ago...there is something to be said after you do the labor and watching it grow in all its glory. Would love to win one of these amazing patterns. Have a gret day.

  70. Love your flowers, Alaska is so beautiful, here in Greece I get excited when my bulbs start to come up, I love the smell and color of my Hyacinths.

  71. You created some fabulous flowers! And you have lovely ones in your garden too!

  72. Joan, your flowers are just beautiful!

  73. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us!

  74. Thank you for sharing your Alaskan flowers with us :) They,as well as the flowers in your garden are beautiful!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!