Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ho Ho Ho Blog Hop Day 2

Well, day one sure did not disappoint us now did it? All the fabulous ideas... I have to admit, I was "toad-aly" in love with one of those projects!  Bet you can't guess which one!   LOL!  We have the best bloggers in the world. I am so excited about holiday sewing...

Today is one for that person that is just impossible to shop for. Now admit it, we all have one of them on our list.

                                                  Wanna take a guess?

                              Yep, it's likely not something that they already have!
                              And it's useful, now much better can that get?  LOL!!

                            I like to think if it as the gift that keeps on giving!

This is an Anita Goodesign Project pattern for embroidery machines.  While I have to say, I think it's just pretty darn funny, that design itself was pretty darn frustrating. The directions are not great and sizes were incorrect for what needed to be cut. But once you make the first one, it's easy enough to fix the problems.

So what do ya say... wanna torment your hard to buy for people this year?

Here is the line up for todays bloggers... see you there!

                                           August 1


  1. Funny! And definitely something that everybody could use, lol.

  2. What a fun post to start the day. Laugh out loud funny. Thanks so much for sharing it. I'll just be giggling on and off all day. Oh, yesterday's birthday post was a hoot too. Happy Birthday to you.

  3. I can see a full set of these lined up under your Christmas Tree!!

  4. That is priceless for that hard to shop for friend. Love it!

  5. You are really enjoying this blog hop. Lots of Christmas goodies.

  6. Arighty this almost made me absolutely adorable...have no idea who it is for....but i bet she or he will be smiling each time they go to the powder room lol


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!