Monday, September 9, 2013

Mommy 'N Me

My special little Alaska baby, isn't a baby anymore...  :-(   In fact she turned 9 just last month. Where oh where does the time go?

On my quest of scrapbook quilting, I was about to surprise her mommy with this quilt a few years ago.

                                   They are both so special to me!

Again based on regular paper scrap booking ideas, but this time with a twist.
The incredibly talented Cindy Losekamp has come to the rescue and created a scrap booking design set for those of us with embroidery machines.  Loads of great frames and fun mini clip art designs to use too.  It's called Fabri-Scrapping.

You can see more on that here...
She is such a little princess!
Who can't love that sweet little face!

So you asking me just why NOW, am I posting these things?????

Well, you see, I am busy working on some outrageous things for upcoming blog hops... and I sure don't want to spill the beans!  So to say.. For now, I'm just keeping you guessing!  LOL!!



  1. Just lovely... what a great memory quilt to cherish for generations!

  2. That is a darling idea!!! Great job too.

  3. That is a great quilt. Love the idea about scrapbooking overlapping into quilting. I do have a question, who currently owns the quilt. Reading gives me the impression you still have it but you said you made it for them? Just want to know if you were able to part with it or not.

  4. You have a knack of tracking down some very interesting resources and ideas. This is great and I love way you have used it. Fantastic quilt but your little 9yo wins the day!
    Good luck with all your projects for the blog hops!


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