Monday, October 14, 2013

Sweet Homecoming!

Nothing beats a great trip, more than "fun" mail when you get home!

This past week was a fabulous one.  I arrived home to find this bright and beautiful, Halloween Table runner in my mail.
If the top isn't just the best, the backing is will certainly put a smile on your face.    I just love the adorable little witches!!!

Bet your wondering just who sent me this, and why????  Well, it was none other than the wonderful Ruth in Pasadena MD.  Quilted Table Yahoo group hosts swaps 4 times a year, and Ruth had my name.  If the table runner wasn't enough, she also send me fabric postcards to send to my friends this fall!

Now how cool are these?
I also found a package from Connecting Threads. Seems like our friend Bea, over at BeaQuilter picked me as a winner of her give a way for the Twist to the 60's blog hop. Wow, thank you sew very very much! They are fabulous!
So, where the heck have I been you ask...

                                                  Just a little clue...

Yes, I have been to the International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
It's an almost annual trip. My BFF lives in Albuquerque, and in the past 35 years, I have only missed 2 fiestas.

Some would be tired of it all, the crowds, the traffic...

 But when you see these things flying overhead, it's all worth the early hours too!


Balloons have come a long way... this one has 3 sides.

While impossible to get photos from all three, there were 2 decent ones I managed to get.

The eyes on this were truly a work of art. It was so real looking that it almost looked like it was watching you as it flew overhead.
Yep, it certainly was a week to remember. Great weather, great friends, and way too much great food. :-)
Let the diet begin!
I would have loved to make these photos larger for you to see, but blogger seems to be having issues today. It is determined to only let me enlarge 2 photos.



  1. Lovely runner and postcads from Ruth. As for the balloons, wow!

  2. The balloons are COOL, when I was a kid in Denmark, my dad was hired to take pictures at a balloon event like this, so we saw them up close too before and after take off, amazing how BIG they really are.... Now we have someone near us who takes his rainbow balloon up once in a while and he often lands near by so it gets really close, I once chased it so my kids could see it up close too, I'd like to go up into one- one day, but then I freak out and imagine going over the edge or my kids doing it.

  3. Such fun balloons and event you were able to attend. I have gone to the Reno Nevada balloon event. I once got into a tethered balloon and when the operator turned up the fire wick I got out! Gas and Fire and Me do not belong together. Love your table runner and fabrics you won. BOO-tiful Creative Bliss...

  4. I am hoping to some day get to the balloon festival. Your photos are fantastic!! Thank you so much for sharing makes me realize I need to get there!!! :)

  5. Great pictures of Fiesta. I grew up in Albuquerque. I miss it more this time of year than another time!! The crisp fall air; the green chile roasting; and the balloons!! There is nothing better! The wonder of 6-800 balloons in the sky at one time with the Sandia Mountain as a back drop is truly beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a great annual tradition! Those balloons looks so amazing. And all your great booty when you got home. You are doing something right!

  7. Wonderful gifts awaiting after a fabulous trip - you scored!!! Used to live in Reno, Nevada, so I got to see many balloon races...they are great, but until you go up in a balloon - that's WOW!!! Thanks for sharing all the cool pictures :)

  8. I do enjoy getting fun mail like that. Looks like you had quite a pile waiting for you!
    Thank you for the fantastic balloon photos. What a stunning event. I think that would such a great event to attend. I just love all the colour. And I do agree with you about the detail in the eye. Amazing!

  9. What a pretty little table runner, and so very much in the spirit of the day! We had a balloon land in our farm field early one morning - scared the heck out of the chickens, and they didn't lay for a whole week! But, we went out (barefoot in the frost, and in our nighties, to boot) and helped them get all situated. They let me get in the basket and started to raise it up - I got about 2 feet off the ground & started hollering to get it down & let me OUT! Then the chase vehicle got there, and we all folded up the balloon & packed everything into the wagon. Then they broke out the champagne & muffins - that was the BEST part! Their policy was if they landed in your yard 3 times, you got a free ride. I told 'em they were welcome back anytime, but they could keep their ride, 'cuz there wasn't enough money in the world to get me back into that basket~

  10. That runner is fantastic. I love it. And those balloons would have been terrific to see in person.


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