Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I've been busy...yes I have

I have no idea just how it happened, but I am LOVING it.

This has been the year of pattern testing for me. It's so exciting to feel like I am on the ground floor of something big about to happen. Seeing all the delightful new talent coming up and playing with fun new creations. Who could ask for anything more.

When Amy over at Sew Incredibly Crazy put out the call for pattern testers, I jumped at the chance.

I know you all remember her wonderful quilt from the Picnic Blog Hop

Who could pass up a chance to test out this beauty?

Having just come off of a marathon fabric dyeing session myself, I had some hand dyes that were screaming to be used...
 And after combing thru my stash, I found this combination, and off to work I went.

It's summer time and this fun Route 66 travel print was just the ticket.

On, went the start points.
Oh I love how the colors play...

 And my finished "Watkins Star" quilt.
I added a border of that Route 66 fabric,
just because it makes me smile.

Now I'm ready for a picnic too!

Thanks Amy for letting me "play" with your first pattern!
It was well written, fast to put together, and easy enough for the newest of quilters.
I see a great future in pattern writing coming your way!

 You can purchase Amy's pattern over at Craftsy

Make sure you visit her blog and check out the other testers quilts. 

Wonderful eye candy!


  1. This is a fabulous pattern, and I just love your fabric choices...hand dyed fabric huh? Hmmmmm. Love what you did with her pattern!

  2. What a lovely quilt and fun fabric choices!!! :)

  3. how lovely love the highway 66 fabric...you did a great job in Amy's pattern so many great looks....

  4. I love those fabrics and design...very nice quilt!

  5. That looks like a fun pattern. It turned out so nicely too.

  6. lovely quilt, but Hey, I thought you were MY pattern tester.... sigh, guess I had to share you..... ;)

  7. Great quilt. Love the fabric you selected!!!
    How exciting to do all this pattern testing!

  8. Love the Route 66 fabric. I used to live near Route 66 when I lived in St. Louis.

  9. That's a really fun quilt, Joan. I like it. The Route 66 theme is popular right now. Remember the corvette and the journeys of Martin Milner and George Maharis? Ah, you're probably too young to remember that, right? Me too.......ha-ha.

  10. I saw this over on Amy's blog. Nicely done.


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