Thursday, August 7, 2014

Out Houses???

If you've read my blog for long, you all know that I am drawn to the darned-est things.
But outhouses you say...

Kind of crazy I know, but I had to do it.

It's from this book...

Hopes and Seams
PO Box 881
Homer Alaska 99603

Heck, I even turned it into a postcard. 
Now, how many can say they received a postcard of an outhouse before?

This quilt hangs in my bathroom, and I have to tell you, recently hubby came out and advised me that I had used the wrong fabric in the summer scene. It looked too much like a winter sky.  Gheez, it's hung there for years! It must have been a dull day sitting on the ...
well, you know!
Have a great day!


  1. Rhonda over at Ravellry1 post=3235694235&group=1464024&frame_type=b&blog=1464024&frame=1&click=0&user=0

    did a free BoM of outhouses :)

  2. That is very cute and how funny he didn't notice until now. Our guild had an out-house block challenge one year - lots of fun.

  3. I actually adore "out-houses" and grew up with one on our country property. I still tell visitors who ask to use our Chamber of Commerce restroom that it is a "one-holer". They usually have no idea what I am saying. Your quilt is fabulous! Too funny to send an out-house postcard. Creative Out-House Bliss...

  4. all this potty talk has me thinking...i must run lol

  5. I adore quilts with landscapes and houses. Apparently, that includes outhouses! This is soooo cute!

  6. Always like a bit of a laugh...cute project.

  7. I'm doing a photo montage of outhouses this summer. Taking pictures of every outhouse I see. I think I need to know where you got that pattern!! It is great.

  8. You find the cutest patterns!

  9. This is a fun quilt. The designs are lovely. Each outhouse really does have a special character!
    As for hubby, tell he can complain about one quilt after he has given compliments about 10 others.

  10. I have a friend who collects outhouses. Well, not actual outhouses. :) She has a lot of them hanging in, you guessed it, her bathroom! blessings, marlene

  11. You, lady are a hoot! I can almost always rely on you for a chuckle or new line of thought. I got both today. The Mini Quilt is adorable. I Had my husband an outhouse built for Christmas a couple of years ago, as we are getting older and can not walk as fast as we use to and the barns keep moving further away from the house. Don said it was the best Christmas gift he has gotten in quite awhile. And love the response your friend gave you to the snake.
    May God bless,

  12. I have never seen an outhouse quilt before. Never. I don't think I've ever seen outhouse fabric, either. But, really, I mean, every room should have a theme, soooooooo......why not? And as your DH proved, it's food for thought, as well. Yup. I like it. Definitely. Now, what other quilting themes have not gotten quite the amount of attention they really should have? Laundry? Back porch? Attic? Worthy subjects but none have quite the unusual appeal of the outhouse. You are so clever.

  13. Ha Ha! That's hilarious! Its great to have a quilt in there with your captive audience, and what a great little quilt!


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