Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Houston, We have a Problem

With all the fabulous patterns I bought...

 What do I do, but come home and quilt up this UFO.
This one that's been in the pile for at least 5 years! Oh who am I kidding it's probably 7!
What on earth motivated me to do that???

I really can't say why. Sometimes we just do things we can't explain.
This Blooming 9-Patch was so far buried in the UFO pile, that I'm lucky I ever found it.

But I'm kind of glad I did.

Now for the real problem. Looks like the cushion on my cedar chest needs to be recovered. 
But that's a project for another day!



  1. I love the colors in that quilt. It's so warm and inviting. Yup, need to cover the cushion on the chest now to match:)

    It was your conscience, that little cricket on your shoulder, telling you that you had to get it out of the UFO pile to make room for all the new goodies.LOL

  2. Hi!!!! I"m glad you got it back out too!!!!! I really love it!!!!! All things have their time!!!! I have a cedar chest at the end of my bed without a cushion!!!!! Now I gotta do something about that!!!!! Thank You

  3. It looks so happy to be out and finished to be admired and no longer forgotten. Lovely job.

  4. What a lovely quilting pattern...a super finish...congrats!

  5. joan it is beautiful....the colours....reminds me of fall flower garden....

  6. I love this pattern. I am so glad you finished it up. It looks beautiful.

  7. I am sure we all have UFOs from many years ago. I admire you for getting it out and finishing it. And now you can feel quite virtuous when you start the new patterns.


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