Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Small SAL

Last year I reacquainted myself with counted cross stitch. It had been years...but I fell in love with it all over.  So this year, I signed on for Stitching Lotus's small SAL (Stitch A Long), and I am delighted to say that I have completed my January project.

Here he is...
Snowman Keepsake
He was originally designed for plastic canvas, but as you can see
Aida cloth works great too!

I found this little guy while surfing Pinterest.
This one from Just Cross Stitch can be found right 

 He found his home, on my new fabric basket.

Connie over at Free Motion By the River
has a fabulous tutorial on these. 
You can find that right HERE

These baskets are just the cutest and easiest things to make.
So versatile and so easy to make in different sizes.
This one actually holds those square boxes of Kleenex, 
or tissues I guess we should say!

Thanks Heather, for inspiring me to join in on your SAL this year.
I am looking forward to 11 more mini projects!
Whoo hoo, I might even get an early start on my Christmas gifts this year!

Thanks for stopping by and make sure you visit my fellow stitchers!
You can find links for their projects right 

Heck while your there, join in with us...
The year is young!


  1. This is rather lovely!! Well done getting back to cross stitch. It looks perfect on the side of the fabric basket.
    Small is very achievable for one a month!!

  2. How cute! Thanks for the links.

  3. Very nice little snowman.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.

  4. Very cute. I haven't cross stitched in years. I used to love the small prijects. May need to give it a try once again after looking at your very adorable snowman

  5. Very cute. I haven't cross stitched in years. I used to love the small prijects. May need to give it a try once again after looking at your very adorable snowman

  6. Tme spent with needle and thread is true Creative Bliss. Very Sweet Snowman and Fabrc Basket.

  7. What a wonderful and creative finish! Love the Snowman :)

  8. What a wonderful blog! Love your snowman and finish into a basket!

  9. He is such a sweet little guy, and such a great idea for the finishing. Thanks for the link for this fantastic fabric basket.


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