Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Swimming Dolphins

These might not look like Dolphins to you...

and you would be absolutely correct!
They are not.

But the pattern that "BeaQuilter" designed is called
Swimming Dolphins

When Bea asked me to pattern test for her, I knew that wonderful piece of flannel, I had be saving for the perfect project, had finally found it's place.

Dolphins, Orca Whales...they are almost alike!

You can find this fast and fun pattern, right

Check out what the other testers did. It's so much fun to see it done in 
different fabrics. You would almost never know it's the same pattern!

Thanks Bea for letting me play!



  1. looks great! and thanks again for testing.

  2. In our language (hungarian) orca's name "kardszárnyú delfin" - sword winged dolphin. ;o)

  3. Great idea to use the fabric for the testing. It looks good too.

  4. Too funny. At least they are both good swimmers and water dancers. Great quilt! Sunshine Smiles...

  5. Great choice of fabric. It has worked well in this pattern.
    Love seeing the red in it.

  6. Hey, that really was a great design for the fabric. :D


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