Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer time, summer time, sum sum summer time!

You can just hear that song running thru your heads, can't you?

I don't know about the rest of you, but it's hotter than a fire cracker here.  That being said, I do hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. Lots of celebrating, plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers, maybe a drinkie poo or two...     ;-)

Summer, means it's time for a new quiltie!
Something to change up the ole quiltin cave.

I warned you that I had become Kimberbell crazy...
yep, here's another of those wonderful patterns.

Baskets of berries

Lady bugs and bees...

Buttons, and bows...
lil yo-yo's
So many fun embellishments!

I just love the carrot patch!

Finished off with none other than those, infamous 
flip flops. A staple of summer, in this house for sure.

A close up shows you just how cute they are!

I'd say there's no better way to kick back and enjoy
 the good ole Summertime!

Happy Stitchin!


  1. Wow Joan, it's hard for me to believe that this is a quilt. It's amazing!

  2. Those are so cute. You can send some of that heat our way. We've had such cool weather lately - hardly summerish!

  3. I'm in LOVE. :) The pinwheels are fantastic, and I'm still chuckling at "bless my bloomers" :D

  4. Love your ode to Summertime. This quilt is uber fun in the Summer Sun! Now if only that song will leave my head...

  5. Thanks a lot Joan, I can't get the tune out of my head. But on the otheerr hand I won't forget how cute the qujilt is either. Had a great 4th and sounds like you did too.

  6. What an amazing summer quilt. It says it all in each row. I can say it's "cool" but it's summer and cool doesn't work. Amazing and fun will.


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