Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Oh, I have to share...

I just love being able to share photos of quilts that friends make.

Are these just too cute?
She's got lots of babies, she's stitching for.

Stephanie took a class from me a few years ago, and it looks like that quilting bug
has bit her! 


Nothing makes me happier than managing to get another one "hooked" on this quiltin' thing!

You made my day girl!
Wish you hadn't moved so far away. 
Oh, the sew ins we could enjoy!


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Paper Piecing Class

Now if this isn't just the cutest...

One of the gals in our quilt group, found these kits on a quilt shop adventure, and bought them for all of us.
Then she tells me that I am going to teach them how to paper piece.
Now if that's not a way to loose friends!
Especially the one who just started quilting.

After a long day, everyone was dazed and confused...
but done...

and a celebration was in order!
Oh yes, that's Joi who started this all in the corner there!

I'm no fan of corn, but this lil thing just brings a
smile to my face. 
Oh those corn that's what makes it sing!
Who'd a thunk?

Last night we had the most beautiful skies.

I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a few photos.

Tonight is the red moon...
We will see if that photographs as nicely!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

It's not that I've been hiding...

I've been out and about...

Earlier this week, young son and I took a whirlwind trip to Disneyland. We did it last  year and had so much fun, that a repeat was in order.

This time of the year is my favorite.
The park is all decked out for Halloween.

The Haunted House had been converted...

And I love it!

The countdown is on...

The Hersh was ready to roll...

It "all" just speaks to my soul!

What didn't speak to my soul, was the 102 degree temperature.
What, it's the end of September???

Only way to cool down, was with this jumbo sundae!
Oh my eyes were much bigger than my stomach. 
I threw most of it away!

All the favorites were there.

The night parade was what really brought relief from the heat!

These favorites showed up too!

Topped off with fireworks!
Can it get any better?

What would I love to do, if I worked at Disney?

I'd be the queen of the Carmel apples!

PS: I almost forgot...

A Moose in Mouseland.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Easter Party Quilt-A-Long "BIG" Reveal

            Without further ado... Let me introduce "Easter Party" to you!

We couldn't have done it, without this fabulous pattern from my favorite designer, "Angie" from Angie's Bits and Pieces.

Thank you Angie for not only inspiring us with your incredible talent, but allowing me to bring it to life with the help of none other than Island Batik.

Of course it goes without saying...

It's really "YOU"  who makes it all happen. It's because of "you" that I'm even able to do this "Quilt-A-Long".  When this "lil" blogger started her blog in 2009, she never imagined that it would turn into what it has become today.

I might keep me on track. Maybe finish a few things, from time to time. Allow me to share with you, occasionally.  Never did I expect it to take over my life!  I now stitch with a passion... to share, to inspire, to hopefully bring a laugh to your day.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... My goal is to inspire and entertain you down this crazy quilting road we all "seam" to love to travel. You have made it so much fun! All of you, who have chosen to follow me...well lets just say, you blow me away!  Your inspiration, and friendship. What a great community we have become!

As for Island Batik, I can't thank  you enough for believing in me, and allowing me to play!  This just might be the best "gig" I have ever had!   ;-)

Lesson learned...
Follow your dreams, and you will go great places!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

House Cleaning

Have you ever stepped into you sewing room and thought...I just can't stand this mess anymore?
I finally hit that point on no return. Not that the room is much better off, but at least this mess is.

I don't know about you, but I have a basket of excess binding. 
I though it would be a great place to keep them all, but it was soon overrun.
Worse yet, I didn't even want to dig thru it to find what was in there.

I dumped the mess today, sorted, tossed, combined like bindings...
(I guess I have a few favorite fabrics that I like to bind with)
and added to some really small stuff to my strip drawer.

This is what it looks like now.
At least I can look thru things without imploding!
I chose to tie them with scraps of yarn. Rubber bands are definitely
easier, but what usually happens here, is that they dry up.
Then I have all these wormy lil dried up rubber band things all over the place.
Is this a sign, that things in the sewing cave, are lets say... "vintage"?
I certainly don't want to think that it's just old "crap" 
that I haven't managed to use up!

Don't tell me it might be a sign that I'm a horder!
Oh this has to go, or get used up right away.
Rats...I hate it when I see my short-comings!


Saturday, September 12, 2015

BeaQuilters Peanuts BOM #9 Final Reveal

Our last block...and the center of it all!

Snoopy and his sidekick Woodstock.

Snoopy made his debut 2 days after Charlie Brown
October 4, 1950
and is Charlie Brown's pet dog.
Woodstock came on board on March 18, 1966
The little yellow bird who was Snoopy's best friend.

I do hope you have enjoyed the little trivia I've included with these guys
I would love to say, I am an expert...
but the joys of the Internet make us all experts...
with a little help from Wikipedia!

This block was not for the faint of heart, but Bea did such a spectacular job of choosing the order we stitched our blocks in. By the time you got to these was a piece of cake to piece.
If there is one thing you can say about paper piecing...
nothing gives  you better accuracy.

Here's my finished quilt.
I chose to use my hand dyes to frame each character.

I went on to paper piece the border with the colors from my frames.

The background fabric is from Project Linus.
A perfect find,  for this quilt.

A big thanks to BeaQuilter
You can read more from her right HERE 

Of course it's all possible thru the generosity of Alida and her wonderful 
paper piecing patterns. See more of there right HERE


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Harry Potter and the Mystery Box!

You haven't heard much from me lately, but I'm not ignoring you.
The petal has been to the metal and the sewing machine has been smokin' hot lately. Figuratively that is...thank goodness there have been no fires here.  LOL!!

First off, a box arrived almost 2 weeks ago now. Oh yes, it was another of those wonderful surprise packages from Island Batik. The new fall line. Since I had some projects that were nipping at my heals, I decided that I would use that box as my motivator. I was not going to open it until I got a few things done.

I've been participating in a Round Robin this summer and I am happy to report that I have done my part on all the quilts involved and am awaiting mine to come home.  Once everyone has their quilts, I will post photos. Looking forward to seeing what all the gals have done with mine!

Next up...Harry Potter. You know how I love to pattern test. When this one came up, I jumped at the chance.

He's a big boy...
Measuring in at 19.5" x 25.5"
Kristi over at "Fandom in Stitches" designed this one.
It is paper piecing, for those who love a challenge.
I love jigsaw puzzles and paper piecing is my "fabric" version of just that.

If you have never tackled paper piecing, I don't recommend this as your first project. I would definitely rate this as an "advanced" pattern.
This is one challenge that I am really happy I conquered!
Oh I've come a long way since that first class, where I wanted to go home in tears, but didn't want to look like the class baby!

 This photo, as you can see was taken before I cleaned up the threads.
What I found remarkable was the difference in the richness of the colors.
The top one I used a camera the bottom one a cell phone. 
 Same lighting just the difference between a camera and a phone.
Interesting...  I think I like the phone photo better.
Sorry camera company!

With these things done...
Now I can open my box from Island Batik!
Happy dance, happy dance.

 Here's a sneak peek...

Best eye candy in the world, don't you think?
Oh yes, and there's blog hop planned in January for the new line!
Whoop whoop!
Your gonna love it!

Marlene, one of our fellow Island Batik Ambassadors,
has co-authored a book that's a great reference,
 no matter if your brand new to quilting,
or been quilting for years.

Starting Oct 9 
She will be hosting a blog hop.
The Island Batik Ambassadors will be sharing
 blocks from each chapter.

As for me, I'll be sharing none other than...
"Paper Piecing" with you all!

You know, just a little something, so you too can be stitching your own Harry Potter soon!

You can find more on this book right HERE.

A big thanks to 
Kristi from Fandom in Stitches  (linked for you)
Marlene from Kissed Quilts (linked for you)

Island Batik (linked for you)

Your the best!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Easter Party Quilt-A-Long Block 11 and winner of Summer in the Country blog hop

Our final block...
Shout it from the roof tops...waive your flags...

That's just what this final top banner does!
And it places it all on an Island Batik "Custard" background, from the Neutrals Collection.

This gorgeous Island Batik rainbow of color, from left to right is...

111505100 from the Flower Fields Collection
111512077 from the Flower Fields Collection
BE24-D1 from the Blenders Collection
111501168 from the Flower Fields Collection
111517141 from the Country Fair Collection
111505101 from the Flower Fields Collection
111517075 from the Flower Fields Collection
111515165 from the Flower Fields Collection
111505190 from the Flower Fields Collection

This is me waiving my flag to all of you, who have stuck with me thru this 
fun lil quilt-a-long.


It all looks gorgeous...
but put it on our border print, and  wow, wow, wow

Our final tribute to fabulous "thread"...

Once again, if you want more information on this quilt-a long, you can find it right 

The next time I see you 
(in 2 weeks)
 It will be, with the "BIG" reveal.

Wouldn't you like to be a part of it?
Share what you have done.

Leave me a comment on this post and I will send you and email
where you can send your photos.

It doesn't need to be complete, 
It doesn't need to be perfect.
It does inspire us all...
Just make sure you leave me the information on who to give credit to.

Today is also the final day of the Summer in the Country Blog Hop.
I don't know about you, but I have loved every minute of it.
So many wonderful projects and yummy recipes!

I promised to give-a-way this cute lil Susie bag and 4 fat quarters...

With the help of
#81 BillieBee was chosen.
I will be sending an email to you for your mailing information!
Thanks to all who visited and left comments.
"Sew" many sweet things you had to say!
It means the world to me.

Keep on stitchin'