Tuesday, September 15, 2015

House Cleaning

Have you ever stepped into you sewing room and thought...I just can't stand this mess anymore?
I finally hit that point on no return. Not that the room is much better off, but at least this mess is.

I don't know about you, but I have a basket of excess binding. 
I though it would be a great place to keep them all, but it was soon overrun.
Worse yet, I didn't even want to dig thru it to find what was in there.

I dumped the mess today, sorted, tossed, combined like bindings...
(I guess I have a few favorite fabrics that I like to bind with)
and added to some really small stuff to my strip drawer.

This is what it looks like now.
At least I can look thru things without imploding!
I chose to tie them with scraps of yarn. Rubber bands are definitely
easier, but what usually happens here, is that they dry up.
Then I have all these wormy lil dried up rubber band things all over the place.
Is this a sign, that things in the sewing cave, are lets say... "vintage"?
I certainly don't want to think that it's just old "crap" 
that I haven't managed to use up!

Don't tell me it might be a sign that I'm a horder!
Oh this has to go, or get used up right away.
Rats...I hate it when I see my short-comings!



  1. That is a great idea for the excess binding. There are days that I feel the same way.

  2. I have a drawer with a similar problem. Last Christmas I decided everyone needed a "quilt" from me. I took orphan blocks, made them into potholders, then used up those small amounts of binding on them. I also made the "potholders" that fit with bowls in the microwave. I was surprised - they liked them all.

  3. I have a large pretzel bin full of binding strips, I once did a jelly roll race quilt with strips from there but it was horrible as nothing matched. I've also taken them out and ironed flat again and cut into 2 1/2" squares, but that I have the 2 1/2" strip GO die, I might do that again and it should go really quick, just WHAT to do with those squares then.

  4. Oh Yes! I have similar happenings in my rooms. Now you have a lovely basket of usable bindings. I like the previous comment suggestions for potholders and microwave bowls. Creative Binding Bliss...

  5. I have way too much of those I-am-not-a-hoarder kind of fabric and pieces. I clean up once in a while, but then I can't find anything. LOL

  6. It looks great, you could label them too, with how long they are. If you wrote at the very end of the strip it wouldn't get lost, but would be cut off when you joined the ends. It would be even quicker to find what you need.

  7. I think we all have that point where we can't walk past or ignore a mess any longer. But you have gone above and beyond when sorting all these bindings.

  8. I sew my leftover bindings together, sometimes by color group, sometimes grouped by brights or pastels. Depends on what I have. I love using them on scrappy quilts or kids quilts. Scrappy reds or blues look great on a R/W/B quilt and brights are always great on kids' quilts. Helps use them up.


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