Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Oh, I have to share...

I just love being able to share photos of quilts that friends make.

Are these just too cute?
She's got lots of babies, she's stitching for.

Stephanie took a class from me a few years ago, and it looks like that quilting bug
has bit her! 


Nothing makes me happier than managing to get another one "hooked" on this quiltin' thing!

You made my day girl!
Wish you hadn't moved so far away. 
Oh, the sew ins we could enjoy!



  1. These quilts are uber cute. How special to know you had a hand in teaching someone this fabulous skill of quilting. Creative Baby Bliss...

  2. The Hippos and giraffes are precious.

  3. Cuteness!! It's fun to get folks hooked:)

  4. Both quilts are lovely. Well done, teacher!

  5. Really cute quilts. Your friend did a great job.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!