Sunday, September 27, 2015

Paper Piecing Class

Now if this isn't just the cutest...

One of the gals in our quilt group, found these kits on a quilt shop adventure, and bought them for all of us.
Then she tells me that I am going to teach them how to paper piece.
Now if that's not a way to loose friends!
Especially the one who just started quilting.

After a long day, everyone was dazed and confused...
but done...

and a celebration was in order!
Oh yes, that's Joi who started this all in the corner there!

I'm no fan of corn, but this lil thing just brings a
smile to my face. 
Oh those corn that's what makes it sing!
Who'd a thunk?

Last night we had the most beautiful skies.

I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a few photos.

Tonight is the red moon...
We will see if that photographs as nicely!


  1. I just love it. Wouldn't know what to do with it but ahh shucks, it is darn cute.

  2. I would like to know where she found the pattern for the corn.

  3. This is a really fun block of Corn Cob with 3D Silk. Lovely Full Moon...

  4. That's a really cute pattern . I would like to know where she found the pattern as well.

  5. That is adorable and the silk hanging off adds so much! We had lots of clouds, so the red moon was barely visible. Darn! Love your pics!

  6. Wonderful block!! And the garden looks awesome:)

  7. The silky bits really do make the block work well. Glad you all got through to the end in one piece.


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